some games stuttering with my 5700 XT

Overclocked to 4.2 as per Video

Is my Memory Clock right ?
1500 MHZ?

should this be 3000 ?

i have a feeling the issue is more to do with Watch Dogs itself rather than your hardware
in my experience ubisoft games usually need some troubleshooting to get them to work correctly

although overclocking still isnt a bad idea so id continue with that, just saying it might be the game itself that needs tweaking
not sure how i can tweak Watch Dogs

as i said, ive set it to medium, 60 fps etc etc

Ran AIDA for over 10 mins, no problems @ 4.2 (55C)

over 20 mins stability test, no problems
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not sure how i can tweak Watch Dogs

as i said, ive set it to medium, 60 fps etc etc

Ran AIDA for over 10 mins, no problems @ 4.2 (55C)

over 20 mins stability test, no problems

We'll keep testing and pushing those clocks at least you will be getting the best performance you can out of that chip even if it doesn't help in that particular game which I think is probably the issue more than your PC.
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