Some iPhone questions that aren't in the FAQ.

If you have a Mac with the latest GarageBand it's a piece of cake.. just make a new song, drag an MP3 into it, press the "loopy arrows" at the bottom and set it so it looks before 40seconds (maximum length of a rington) and click the ringtone option in the share menu.

That's how I did all mine anyway.

1. Select a song you want to make your ringtone. Shrink it to 30 seconds or less. You cannot exceed 30 seconds. This can be done by chosing a start and end point within iTunes.

2. Right click on the track in iTunes, and convert it into an AAC file. AAC may need to be chosen in the Importing section of Advanced in iTunes if you have changed the settings.

3. Right click again and 'Show in Finder'.

4. Rename the extension from .mp3 to .mpr

5. Drag MPR file back to iTunes. The file will automatically file under Ringtones.

5a You may wish to clean up, delete the duplicated file in itunes, delete the .mpr file in finder.

6. Sync.

For PCs replace references to Finder with Explorer

1 - How do I shrink it down to 30 seconds? the midi file i want is 1 minute 13 seconds long.

2 - After converting it to AAC, right click....there is no such a thing as "show in Finder", and by right click the file do you mean right click within itunes of in explorer itself?
when you play a song in itunes you can choose for it to start at say 15 seconds and end at 45... Right Click track in itunes, Get Info, Options, Start Time, Stop Time. You must do this before converting to AAC... as the AAC will only be the snippet you chose.

When you right click in iTunes you can 'Show in Finder' or 'Show in Windows Expolorer' depending on your platform. Should be near the top of the drop down menu. If you dont see this then I am at a loss!

4. Rename the extension from .mp3 to .mpr should be m4a to m4r!

I have updated my post above with more detailed instructions, and have tested the procedure myself on a windows PC.

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