someone tried to steal my car last night..!!

12 May 2005
Last night, someone attempted to break into my car, well they tried. Dogs barked, and I looked outside and witnessed two young lads, one in a car ready to drive off, another checking my car doors..

You’d never seen me run down the stairs and shoot out the door as fast as I did. The guy checking the doors never even got the chance to see my fist smash his teeth in. He then scrambled up off the floor and ran after his mate in a cheapo looking ford escort as his mate drove off without him. He managed to get into the getaway car and both of them drove off…

Tell you something, my fist hurts this morning, and on the drive is some blood, so must have got him good. He must have only been 17 if that..!! He hit the ground as soon as I punched him. Bugger broke my wing mirror, as I think he used this to try and keep standing..

Why try and steel a Honda.. Just what is this world coming to, but now I think about it, my actions weren’t a good idea. Impulse action to protect, but I could have been knifed or anything. Scary…

Haven’t called the police, as they never got my car. Thieving buggers.. I think they hang out around on another street around the shops in my area, as I swear I’ve seen that car they drove off in before….
Shame you didn't have a piece of 6x4 handy...

Scum. Sorry to hear about your hand, but hey - he came off worse! :D
iv-tecman said:
Just what is this world coming to, but now I think about it, my actions weren’t a good idea. Impulse action to protect, but I could have been knifed or anything. Scary…

The element of suprise mate :D You hit him so hard and fast that he **** himself, i'd imagine if he'd had time to react it could have been a different story.

You have my upmost respect.

Nice one :D
Good work, matey! Knowing society as it is though, he'll probably go to the police and tell them you attacked him without cause..... Personally, I'd inform the police anyway.
It was surprise attacking. TBH, I’m not a violent person, not in the slightest. But I was so raged that someone was trying to either steal my car, or steal stuff from it that I just flew down the stairs, and I was only in my boxers with a T Shirt on and just hit him as hard as I could. After that it all happened so fast.

He was young, perhaps looking for a car to joyride in or something, who knows. But I tell you, after about 15 mins I was shaking.. Couldn’t sleep well last night. I allowed the dogs to sleep all around the house last night; normally I shut them into one room. Didn’t last night, as their barking stopped my car being stolen.

Mans best friend all right..
just wait for the knock on the door now of mr Police man asking you to come down the station for assault, you think im joking i see it about once a week.

(Good work fella but it will teach you to hit him harder next time)
davebax22 said:
just wait for the knock on the door now of mr Police man asking you to come down the station for assault, you think im joking i see it about once a week.

(Good work fella but it will teach you to hit him harder next time)

That's what I'm now worried about... They got caught out. I was in the house on my own, and no lights were on, and I was in the back room on my PC at the time. I don't have any lights on when I'm on my PC as it's a waste of electric, and I used the screen as light, as this is all I need. I leave the dinning room night light on for my dogs, but you can't see this easily. and not from the drive way.

They must have thought I was in bed. It was late, around 12.30am, they didn't expect dogs to bark, and I think they got caught out....
Call the old bill out, see if they can sample the blood from the floor. You were only defending yourself.
Firestar_3x said:
Well done, pleased someone on this forum finally gave a car theft what they deserved.

I hope I get the chance to do the same some day! :D I really really hate car thieves!

Congrats tecman! :cool: I bet after you'd calmed down, you felt so good to have put that scrote in his place! If the police do come round, you could either deny it, or be honest and risk an assault charge :( :rolleyes:
agw_01 said:
you could either deny it, or be honest and risk an assault charge :( :rolleyes:

Self defence, he noticed someone on his property went out to see what's going on, theft could have a screwdriver and through he was going to attack him so he defended himself. i don't see the problem personally ;)
You didnt use a weapon, so I wouldnt worry too much. :)

You can use an equal amount of force - He brought his fists, you brought yours ;)

Good work, hope that puts the little ******* off nicking cars for life.

PS: What Honda is it? Some are regularly targeted - Civic type R, Integra Type R.
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