Somethingtodo's PSU roundup

6 Jun 2005
Plymouth / Cambridge
oh i see,

so really haveing two 12v rails is just about load instaed of putting the next gen power hungry components on one cable you have two just incase. have i got this right??


11 Jan 2004
In The Wilds.
Yes, its to aid stability by supposedly spreading the 12v load more efficiently but tbh as long as you buy a good quality unit such as a PCP&Cooling or Enermax which tend to have very strong 12v rails then you'll be o.k either way.
6 Jun 2005
Plymouth / Cambridge
thx guys i went with the cheaper version in the end but im very happy with it the build quality is first class. and it has dropped the noise level considerably. the only thing that is anoying me now is that i can now hear my graphic card noise :mad: so i will remove that for a zalmans next week i think.


19 Mar 2005
Would the Enermax Noisetaker 485W EG495AX-VE(G) SFMA ATX2.0 PSU (CA-007-EN) , work ok for a Abit IS7-G with a Intel cpu atm, but still work say in a year on a 939 or maybe even an M2 board when they come out?

So in other words, would it be future proof for quite a while
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18 Oct 2002
Behind you... Naked!
I have to say, that until only a couple of weeks ago, my QTEC 550 was doing a fantastic job.

My system was

Abit NF7S
Mobile Barton 2500 @ 2.6Ghz
ATI Radeon 9700Pro
SB Audigy 1 + LiveDrive II
ITE 8212 IDE Card
HDs = 40GB + 80GB + 2x160GB + 40GB
DVD = Pioneer 107 + Pioneer 108 + BTC 8x

So, not exactly a mini system, but I have just recently upgraded to an AMD64 & 6800GT and the QTEC simply isnt enough!. I have swapped the QTEC for a ColorsIT 550 ( Its that or a Magna 600 ) and that has been enough to get me running better.

I have also swapped the 40GB + 80GB ( My C: and D: ) for a single 80GB Sata, that I have partitioned into 2, and its not helped.

Still have some issues like the inability to burn more than one disk at a time without it failing to verify, and I am hoping thats the PSU.

There is no doubt that I do need to get a new PSU, but after just buying a Mobo, CPU, RAM, and GFX card, all coming up to just on £500 a PSU is somethign thats having to wait a bit longer.

Here comes my problem now though...

What PSU?

I am looking at those modular things, they do look nice, the Hiper one looks real sweet, but what power will I need?

I think a 500w good one, like many of you say Tagan ,or Antec and the like, will all do a fine job, and give me more to play with if need be ( Which I do )

My problem here, is that with looking at lots of specs of things, I see loads of numbers etc and get seriously confused?

By the time I have read spec No.2 I have lost what the hell Spec No.1 was saying, so all these specs are no good for me.

I would like to ask if anyone is willing to offer a particular PSU that will be good for me, and the current system I have, and of course for my future plans too, so I dont want one thats "JUST ENOUGH", but one thast good for adding better GFX, More of this and that, btu also withotu going OTT.

I was looking at the HIPER ones actually... Color isnt an option really, I am using a TT Armour and have no real use of a prety PSU because the PSU is stuffed at the back behind the spare HD bays

What is the Hiper like? The one inparticular that I am looking at, is the HPU-4K 580-MK type R 580w Modular one, as this does look the buisiness for my needs... 580w and 630 peak should provide me with far more than I need, but at a fair price too!

But what about the X-PRO 460w job? I have read some nice reviews about it, but also some horrors too... Whats the truth?

And then the Akasa ones are also looking fairly good for the price too, but then we are getting into having to choose from 3 PSUs

The hiper is still my no1 choice as with the modular idea, I feel that I could do with having less clutter in my case.

I just dont know what I want... I honestly dont.

I got my stuff 2 or maybe 3 weeks ago now, and I said I would get a new PSU as soon as I found that the QTEC couldnt handle it, even before I plonked the ColorsIT into it, but I still cannot decide whats best for me?

And like I said, looking through all these pages, has just scrambled mymind up and I am no better off?

Can someone decide for me? ( sounds pathetic that doesnt it? )
24 Feb 2003
Brighton, UK
Why do you insisit on buying cheap rubbish? This will forever give you headaches. For just a few pounds more, you can buy quality and never have to worry again.

Tagan are darn fine PSUs. True, they had a batch a year ago with problems, but not heard about any troubles since. My shiney new Tagan is running strong now. I have also had Q-Tec's in the past, and they are awful in a chunky system like ours.

Ahh.... just noticed. It is the rakoon again.... are you stalking my threads? LOL.

Tagan PSU is great. Antecs are also good. It's all personal experience really. Best way to tell the good PSUs is to look at people's sigs. If you see chunky kit listed, and a named PSU, then it is probally going to be good enough.

...but if you just want a no brainer - get the Tagan. Don't try and save money on the one item that will effect EVERYTHING in the case. When you get the Tagan, compare the weight to the Q-Tec. And you will be shocked at how heavy it is. Quality kit. :)
18 Oct 2002
Behind you... Naked!
MAllen said:
Why do you insisit on buying cheap rubbish? This will forever give you headaches. For just a few pounds more, you can buy quality and never have to worry again.

Well, its part of my deal with the boss... I buy for me, then I also have to buy for the kids, and I have 3 of them, who all now have very well spec'd PCs... They are 6,7 and 8 years old and they all have Barton3200 based PCs... Its getting expensive!

2 weeks ago, I bought myself a 6800GT and guess what? I also had to upgrade their GFX... Rad9700 + 9700Pro + 9500np@9700 at their ages?

The lucky gits.

But, if I dont do them, I cannot do myself.

As for the headaches, this hasnt been an issue to date.

The QTEC has been a flawless workhorse for me so far... Driving a Barton2500 @ 2.6 along with a 9700Pro and 4 HDs and 3 DVDRW Drives, as well as a ZIP, Floppy and LiveDrive, its been perfect in doing that for quite some time now, and its still great, but not since I upped to AMD64... Its just pushed it over the edge I think, and its gone into another box, and its doing a fine job in there now too, so I have to say that I have had no headaches at all with it... Not till now, and its been used for the last 2 years at least?

MAllen said:
Tagan are darn fine PSUs. True, they had a batch a year ago with problems, but not heard about any troubles since. My shiney new Tagan is running strong now. I have also had Q-Tec's in the past, and they are awful in a chunky system like ours.

Yes, TAGAN have been one for the listfor sure.. I have only one worry with them, and thats the aftermarket support... Some say its fine, some say not.

MAllen said:
Ahh.... just noticed. It is the rakoon again.... are you stalking my threads? LOL.

Hell... Ive been rumbled! LOL

MAllen said:
Tagan PSU is great. Antecs are also good. It's all personal experience really. Best way to tell the good PSUs is to look at people's sigs. If you see chunky kit listed, and a named PSU, then it is probally going to be good enough.

...but if you just want a no brainer - get the Tagan. Don't try and save money on the one item that will effect EVERYTHING in the case. When you get the Tagan, compare the weight to the Q-Tec. And you will be shocked at how heavy it is. Quality kit. :)

Actually, I have been more into the Modular ones than anything to be honest... Not only for power, but also for novelty value too!

I have placed an order for ... erm? I dont know now... UltraX 500w I think? Anyway, I can verify that when I get the email confirmation from OCUK.

Oh, hang on. I printer the receipt thingyoff so erm... Yeah.. Ultra X-Connect 500w 2.0 Detachable PSU is the one I got. Specs seem very good, and yes, its not tagan, or antec or enermax but hey, I have not seen any bad review of it yet ( Dont give me a link to any please )
3 Dec 2004
Ilkeston Derbyshire
Let us know how you get on, I would have recommended the same as M Allen but you might be very pleased I'd certainly be interested to hear as I have never seen one and at the moment I'm just braiding a Tagen for a friend because I recommended that to him.
3 Dec 2004
Ilkeston Derbyshire
Itsjody said:
I have one of these - Hiper HPU-4S525 Dual Fan 525W ATX2.2 PSU (CA-001-HP).

Very good and very quiet.

Just been looking at the Hiper 580 modular, it looks very nice if they had been around for a little longer I would have tried one, it would be interesting for a noise comparison, I've had loads of different psu's Antec, Enermax, Silenx, Tagen and the dreaded QTec. By quite a way the Tagen is the quietest which is my main reason for selling my Enermax and going back to Tagen, if the Hiper is as quiet as the Tagen I think I might try one of those.
18 Oct 2002
block 16, cell 12
Got my Hiper Type R 580W Blue the other day.

damn fine looking PSU, nice modular cabling system, with like braided cables, man much better than i have used previously.

rails seem fine, if not a bit high (my system is under specced for the PSU tbh...)

only problem is that i dont want to put the side of my case back on now, due to the blue mesh/light finish on the PSU:)
18 Oct 2002
Behind you... Naked!
I wished sometimes that I had gone for the hyper... I opted for the ultra X-Connect 500w job.

The Ultra-X has solved my issues regarding needing the stable power, and its also modular, but there simply isnt enough power connections as it is, and I have had to still use standard Y-Connectors, and although I have tried to hide them, they still show up.

The Ultras cables are far too stiff to allow much movement too, and this has caused me some problems... I would not have the problems but for the combination I have of Mobo, HSF and PSU... Any 2 are fine, btu all 3 is disaster, and that just sums up my choices as of late... Nothing but bad choices.

Back to the PSU, I am going to be keeping the PSU as its a fine PSU in itself, btu the cabling I will be changing... I may have to make it up myself, and I wont have any problems with the Floppy & HD ones, but the 2 ATX connections I probably will have some hassles unless I can find them ready-made.

And to be honest, its the Main 20-Pin ATX one thats the problem... Its so stiff, that there is only one wayit can go from the PSU to the Mobo, and thats directly in front of the CPU Fan, and I have about an inch and a half to then wedge the Floppy and both the IDE cables in between them... Softer, more maleable cabling and I wont have the issues I do have, but as is...

Anyway, the PSU as it is, is fine.

As for the Blue thingy, you can buy seperate blue tops for PSUs... I got one a short while back, its UV and I chucked a UV fan into it, and plonked a couple of 4" UV lights there too, and it looks peachy, but ultimately, it also looks a bit cheap too... Its still there cos I dont care, and I bought a whoel load of UV Fans and UV stuff last year just for the hell of it, or rather the missus paid for an XMas pressie and its a shame not to use it really.

But anyway, the PSU cover only costs a couple of quid... Maybe £3 or so, but it makes a naff boring PSU look a bit better if thats your bag.
24 Feb 2003
Brighton, UK
If your Ultra-X cables are anything like my Tagan's ATX connector then you will find they will soften over time. Become a bit more flexible with age and heat. :)

If all the leads are detachable, then maybe you could try warming them on a radiator, or in direct sunlight, or even steam 'em with the kettle. May help make the plastic become more flexible? (i am not a chemical engineer, so don't know the best answer...)
28 Jul 2005
Im looking for a psu for a pc im building (1st time), so any recommendations welcome, the system spec close to as follows

P4 3.4 (LG775)
Abit aa8 3rd eye
1gb PC4200 DDr2
6600 pcie grpahics card
Sata 200gb hardrive
1 cdrw
1 dvd rom

Not lookin for anything special, just something that will work, keep the noise down and not blow me pc up
24 Feb 2003
Brighton, UK
Read the sticky about PSUs.
Don't buy the cheapest PSU.
Get a decent "Brand Name" and it will last for ages.
Look in people's signatures on this board and see what they are using.
Look at "dB" ratings for noise levels.
Have a look at the PSUs on OCUK and you will soon notice the visiual differences. Look at those dB ratings. And compare prices.

I like my Tagan.... and the old comments in the PSU thread about "tickers" is very old news now and they ain't ticked in ages and work fine now. So although the thread is old, there is still a lot of useful info in there.
Man of Honour
5 Dec 2003
Just to the left of my PC
I bought a 450W Aerocooler Aeropower II SE+ during the few weeks that OcUK sold them.

They claim 19dBA. Mine isn't.

They look great (titanium plated for a mirror finish, side windows, blue lighting), and they perform well (almost exact voltages and no fluctuation), but I don't trust the noise rating.

Does anyone else have one of these?
18 Oct 2002
block 16, cell 12
thought id post some pics of my hiper 580w modular R cos i think its pretty decent



pretty rock solid rails, but over the required voltages but prolly cos im running so few drives
19 Aug 2005
im was thinking to get a Blue Hyper, but for my deception its only 198~240v input...its a shame for this very good psu. But on the official site has a switch for input voltage and all reviews i'd read its only one input!!!i dont get it.. im asking because when i come back to Brazil the input is 110~120v. Does anybody knows about it, this switch exists????
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