Sometimes it's hard to be a woman...

Psypher5 said:
Everyones having babies! I blame the water.

Ive been drinking water.. .. .... ........

I often think.. im bloody glad im not a woman.. i couldnt be doing with all that sitting down, hormones etc malarky.. Hats off really

Although, theres females i know who say "im bloody glad im not a bloke.. all that macho physical rubbish.. and lack of control"

PS. ope da babiez iz aight!
All the best to Mrs fatiain, dude. And to mini-Kuato too when s/he gets here.

And stay cool - one determined two-year old can wreck any plan! ;)
My wife had a similar thing (possible pre eclampsia, not a lack of clean socks..) she was induced a couple of weeks early, I was on pins the whole time.

Good luck when it finally comes, i know what a stressful time it can me, i had a 2 year old when my second daughter came, its great when you take them up to see the new addition though :)
Update: Mrs fatiain is in a bad mood, they're keeping her in till monday! Her BP has stabilised a bit but there's still protein in her wee. She's having a bit of as laugh as the woman opposite has been in for nearly 2 weeks and has gone stir crazy!

Jonny69 said:
A big strong chap like you, struggling with a 2 year old?

I would take a pub full of Millwall fans on rather than a 2year old!

paul1980 said:
My wife gave birth yesterday afternoon

Congratulations, hope mother and baby are both doing well.

Better find her some more socks and take her up some grapes.

Thanks for all the best wishes.
keep strong mate and send all the best to your missus.

Me and my missus are rooting for you guys. :)
From keen observations of women I have known the coping mechanism is 1Kg of dairy milk. 2 squares to be taken every hour until symptoms subside.

All the best with the new addition.
fatiain said:
I would take a pub full of Millwall fans on rather than a 2year old!

Have you heard this chant "Millwall, Millwall, they're all really dreadful, and all your girlfriends are unfullfilled and alienated"

But seriously, good luck to the missus Fatty.
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