Som's Log - Manlet on a Mission

Cheers mate. I'm going to keep this rubbish routine and the +10/-30 thing going for a few more weeks until I see the docs, as I want to see what the deal with the bewbs is, plus check my test level as my dad was recently diagnosed as low-test and I'm wondering if I've inherited it as well or if he's just getting old, then once that's done crack on with eating/training for size and strength, because the wind would blow me over atm and I should probably weigh about 10kg more.

I'd like to think I can enter a cyclic thing soon where I can bulk smartly, then cut hard and each time I should look better and better lol - deffo need the regs to treat me like a mass-gaining guinea pig and program my workouts and stuff lol. Probably stick to Leangains as I get on with it so well, something like +30/-10, or +30/0 - should probably start researching now.

LOL oh dear. Not slept well the last few days and felt poop.

Get to gym. Bros doing BOR's in the squat rack. In hindsight I should have waited, instead I started with RDLs...

62.5 x 6 - easy
55 x 8 - easy
47.5 x 10 - easy

All reps at new weights, form much better than when I started, pleasing.



Warmed up okay...

82.5 x 1, F - wut. Been working on my form but I did 5 of these fairly comfortably last time round. Sad panda. Tried 80kg, nearly spazzed that up.
75 x 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 - I had to do these as singles, just nothing in my legs. WTF
65 x 8 - barely

Did some pause squats with 40 as I tried to figure out what was wrong but being generally disgusted, didn't last very long.

The physio work I've been given lately is very glute-smashing but I think the RDLs first just messed me up... or something. Weird. The stupid thing was the rest of my workout wasn't bad.

Hip Thrust
I need to buy a big p*ssy pad for these now, these left big marks!
62.5 x 10 - new weight, all reps
57.5 x 12 - new weight all reps

BW + 15 x 6 - hit 5 last week so one more rep, up to 17.5 - cool!
BW + 7.5 x 8 - hit 7 last week, so up one rep, up to 10!
BW + 5 x 8 - just, same as last time

Seated DB Press
17.5 x 8 - baaaaarely, I did 15 x 10 last week no problem, annoying, may stay at 15 to work on form - my right wrist is noticably weaker than my left (lol)
10 x 10 - same as last week

Standing BB Curl
27.5 x 8 - same (biceps were nuked)
20 x 11 - same (biceps nuked)

Didn't have time for abs but meh.
Too lazy to log B1, but it was okay. A2 today. Deadlifts <3

Looking at what to do training wise once I start my bulk, feel like I'm back when I started and overwhelmed with info. Bah. Obviously constrained by my tardo working hours but I can't use it as an excuse (except when I have to work weekends as the gym is shut before I start work and shut by the time I finish).

Love watching Jonnie Candito's training vids on YouTube and he's just released his approach to training, which is a periodised cyclic 6 week program (as he isn't a fan of multi-day splits):

Requires reading the PDF (10 min job) and then the Excel file does all the maths... not sure about some of it but the back to basics approach appeals to me. Plus I'm jelly of his ATG squat.

Or maybe I can be SA's guinea pig for taking making a scrawny manlet a beefcake...

Bar x 10 x 2 (RDL)
40 x 8
60 x 4
80 x 3
90 x 1
105 x 3 (WS)
95 x 5 (WS)
85 x 7 (WS)

Abductors were still sore from DBSS the other day but I felt good on these. All sets higher weights than last time (102.5/92.5/82.5 respectively) and minimum reps hit, not too close to failure, although form started to go with the last reps on each (probs could have got another rep or two out of the last set but hey). Quite pleased as IIRC I didn't do more than 102.5 on SL and my form then was a bit more lolsome (my grip in particular is WAY better) plus I was using an extra mat so the bar was around an inch or two higher.

Leg Press
Empty (what does this weigh lol?) x 10
+40 x 10
+60 x 5
+80 x 3
+105 x 6 (WS)
+95 x 8 (WS)
+85 x 10 (WS)

Easy. Weights all up 5kg from last week as I'm still working towards wherever my 'real' working weight will be. 110kg to start next time.

I then did a tiny bit of squat practice after my crappy performance the other day but nothing major.

Bar x 5 x 2
25 x 5
30 x 3
37.5 x 6 (WS)
32.5 x 6 (WS)
27.5 x 10 (WS)

Nice. I hit 37.5 x 6 last time but I was grinding out the last 2 reps so decided to do it again. Much better this time, finally back at 40. 32.5 was up from 30, min reps hit. Maybe had another 1-2 in me but didn't want to push it... 27.5 was the same weight as last week but max reps hit this time, so up to 30 we go.

Pullups (neutral grip)

The Smith was in use so i had to use the dip/pullup/chair thingy. I don't like wide grip pullups at the best of times and even the narrowest grip on them is too wide for me personally, so I just did hammer/neutral grip. I usually use the Smith at the max height for just wider than shoulder width pullups and just narrower chins at about shoulder width or just inside.

Jumpy bodyweight ones x a few
BW+10 x 6 (WS)
BW+5 x 7 (WS)
BW x 8 (WS)

Up a rep on the first two sets from last time, although different grip so hard to say

Seated Barbell Curl
20 x 5
27.5 x 8 (WS)
25 x 10 (WS)

Same as before on first set, although my 'ceps were more tired than usual from the hammer grip chins, since they use a bit more of the guns than pullups (or at least it feels like it). New weight 2nd set, min reps hit.

I then alternated...
20 pushups
10 pushups
5 pushups
Side plank left
Side plank right

Pretty good going. If only my bench would behave like everything else - we'll find out Monday.
Did some stuff differently to start with today: brought my red Pullum band to the gym and did some shoulder dislocations and then some... that one where you pull the band apart (like a fly movement standing up). By jove I think this helped my bench.


20 x 10 (using band around wrists to pull them together and force me to pull the bar apart constantly)
30 x 5 (band around wrists)
40 x 5 (band around wrists)
50 x 2 (band around wrists)
57.5 x 5 (+1) - same reps as last week by felt WAY more in control of the movement, shoulders not losing their position etc. I did the extra rep because I wanted 6, but we'll stay at this weight one more week - I think I can smash 6 easily next time.
50 x 8 - up a rep and felt easier - onto 52.5
45 x 10 - up a rep and felt a lot easier - onto 47.5

Seated Cable Row
30lbs x 5
60lbs x 5
90lbs x 9 - (maybe had 10 but form was going)
80lbs x 10 - (had a couple in the tank but form starting to go - guess I've found my real working weight now for this movement!)

Dumbbell Bench
10s x 10
17.5s x 10 - (I wanted to keep this weight the same as last week because my form sucked - it REALLY didn't suck today, which was nice - easy!)
15s x 12 (new weight and max reps - yay for bands?)

BW x a couple
BW+12.5 x 6 - up a rep, max reps complete)
BW+7.5 - x 7 - up a rep, getting very hard!)
BW+5 x 9 - same as last week, very hard... I'm think I need to work on keeping my shoulders in position with these though, esp the heavy sets

Inverted Row on Smith/Bench
One set for reps, BW x lost count

BW+7.5 x 6/6 - up a rep
BW+5 x 8/8 - up a rep
BW x 10/10 - up a rep

I think I'm cheating with these a bit because I'm not keeping the weight over my body enough... not sure.

Seated Calf Raise
7.5 x 10
27.5 x 10 - max reps, up to 30 - hard though
25 x 12 - max reps, up to 27.5 - think I've found my working weight for both of these

Did some face pulls with the band instead, might do some now lol.
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Right, going to change training up a bit - stricter upper/lower routine - so with my shifts I can do Tues/Fri/Sat on the 4 days (Mon-Thurs), Mon/Weds/Thurs on week of 4 nights (Thurs-Sun) and the week of 3 days (Fri-Sun), then Mon Thurs Sat on the 3 nights (Mon-Weds) - this way I get 3 workouts a week without having to go to the gym after work on shift very often, or getting up early when on night shift. ATM I do like the 1 on, 2 off thing I'm doing, but it means I sometimes only get a workout twice a week and I think it might be a factor in my stall because obviously less workouts = less cals burnt which carries over into rest days and given I don't do much/anything rest days I'm probably not using much energy either .

Going to keep it simple, while still keeping with the A1/A2 B1/B2 and RPT rep scheme I've been doing:

A1/A2 - Squat, RDL, Hip Thrust / Deadlift, DBSS, Leg Press | then a couple of sets of calves (alternate standing/seated) and a couple of sets abz (alternate static like planks and dynamic like standing cable crunches)
B1/B2 - Bench, Pendlay Row, Dips, Chins / Bench, Seated Row, OHP, Pullups | then a couple of sets of biceps and a couple of sets of low weight little-muscle stuff like face pulls or lat raises

Should mean everything gets worked once a week minimum, but it works out so I always get at least more rest between leg days than upper body days (as upper body recovers quicker) as it's like L UL U LU L UL U L U repeat. Short shifts I can just do Mon/Wed/Fri or Mon/Thurs/Sat (better for the 12-8pm shifts).

Macros wise I'm going to see how altering training days from a surplus into more of a maint. affects things. I'd point out that using macros that I.F. Calc spits out as targets doesn't necessarily reflect what my actual intake is (given my loose counting!) so it could well be I'm in more of a surplus than I realise on training days, and aiming for a lower target means I bring it more in line with what would actually work. Either way, I need to experiment more as doing the same thing and expecting different results blah blah.
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No I changed my mind lol. I've decided to do a upper/lower split, which I can do x3 a week (rather than once every 3 days) because I can do the lower/upper 2 back to back the weeks I do nights, which is handy for me as when I do Thurs-Sun 8pm-8am, I can train Mon / Wed / Thurs which is better than just Mon and Thurs. I also threw a full body workout in for a couple of the times that are awkward. Reasoning for doing upper twice a week is simply I recover faster, plus lower has deads and squats so takes it out of me more, but it'll be nice to be squatting more regularly.

Split looks like

Upper 1 & 2
Bench Press (big 3 movement)
Something for back (alternate a rowing-type pull like Pendlay Rows with a vertical pull like weighed chins/pull-ups for workout 1 and 2)
Something for shoulders (alternate OHP and seated DB press - usually I think I'll do OHP w/pulls/chins and the seated press when I'm doing Pendlay Rows)
Something for biceps (BB curls, DB curls etc)
Something for the smaller muscles (face pulls, incline DB flys, lateral raises)
Something for the core (planks, standing cable crunches, hanging leg raises, reverse crunches etc)

Think triceps should get enough stimulation from the compound movements...

Squats (big 3)
Deadlifts (big 3)
Single leg press (more of a cooldown for the above, higher reps, get the blood flowing into the legs)
Something for glutes/hams (hip bridges, pull throughs, KB swings)
Something for calves (standing raise from a deficit, seated raise etc)
Something for core (same as upper)

Full Body
Front Squat (I WILL get better at this)
Seated Row
Klokov Press
Pistols / DBSS

Idea w/the full body is to fit some of the other exercises I want to get better at in as I'll only be doing it twice a month - plus was too much of a phaggot to do standard squat/deadlift/bench in one workout lol.

Trained Monday (Upper 1) and today (Lower) so far, gone quite well, as I was a bit iffy on doing squats and deads back to back but high bar ATG is a little less posterior-y than low bar. Based it all off the Candito Training HQ program except I'm doing RPT rather than any periodised stuff while I do my 'final cut' for the next month or two, then it's bulky bulk bulk.

Once I start bulking I need to figure out what to switch to, although I may just do an upper/lower split repeated once a week (so upper/lower, upper/lower, Mon Tues, rest Weds, Thurs, Fri, rest Sat Sun type thingy), if I can fit something into my shifts somehow.
Are you aiming for mass yet? From a quick skim over your log it seems you are obsessed with your ****. I don't see the issue, those latest pics look like mostly flabby skin! Get them filled with some muscle ;)
I have a tiny bit more fat to lose, although I suspect some of the moob fat is glandular which no amount of cutting will remove - I had some bloodwork done recently for something else but need to go again for them to see my test/estrogen ratio just to rule out an imbalance. Glandular tissue would probs need to be removed surgically, but whatever (I'd pay for it). It's not loose skin!

I'm currently doing 'the final cut' - bromantic bulk starting August. I want to have a decent program to follow and stuff like that so I've given myself some time to figure that out. My shifts sort of mess up most of the timing for the popular ones (e.g. 2nd week of shifts is Thurs-Sun nights, 8pm-8am so I can only really go to the gym Mon-Thurs) so I need to do something agreeable for that - the main things will be:

1) Getting my strength up, something voluminous and geared towards hypertrophy probably wouldn't suit me right now
2) Getting my weight up without too much fat gain

... Diet wise probably 0/20 (rest/training), maybe -10/30.
Lol I've tried most of the high end headphones but don't own any. I have a couple of custom IEMs but I didn't pay anywhere near that much for them (one were a prototype/sample for review I got for half-price). I got my DX100 DAP 2nd hand. I think the most expensive kit I have currently is my NAD M51 but I got a deal on that too.

Food intake won't be a problem... as a former fatty I'm obviously a little apprehensive about stuffing my face but I realise as long as I train properly most of it's not going to be going back to my gut and I can't grow unless I'm in a surplus. Oh to be a skinny-fat noob - those plain skinny people have it easy!

The main thing is trying to work something out for myself, because I'm a special ********* who works very odd hours and has a messed up body clock most of the time: If anyone wants to give me a new job with nice hours on a plate... until then I have to try and work around it as best I can - it's not an excuse because I've done okay so far with the fat loss and lifting, but I know to get bigger I need to up volume a bit and x2-3 a week probably won't be enough - has to be 3 or 4 really - which is where it gets hard due to my stupid shift pattern.
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