Whats a fair rate for someone who has secured first job.
We aren't talking pocket money here, around £1200 take home per month.
So whats a fair rate for all in board and lodgings?
Initially I off the top of my head said 20%, but at £240 maybe that's a bit steep, its not supposed to be a profit making exercise lol.
He eats a lot, that's probably the most significant bill, but also uses a fair amount of electric and is not careful on the usage either. Eg got locked out the other night as I was locking up I noticed his light on, so had assumed he was in, he wasn't, he had been out for hours.
So would something like £150 be fair (a month)
That's just over £34 a week over 52 weeks, allowing £30 for food and £20 a month for utils. TV etc are in effect free as we would pay them anyway.
Too high, too low?
I find the concept of board very odd.
Given you've made a fortune out of the property boom, it seems quite disgraceful to be asking for rent from a child, who will never benefit from this.
If it's a point of 'showing them the value of money', at least give the money back when they move out.
If find that questionable. When I first left home I was earning about 27k which for local area was a good wage. My mother was on about 18k.
Why would I begrudge her 25% of my salary. She worked damn hard when I was younger so I will help her out when i can
Anything more than 200 does not seem fair.
under 200 seems more reasonable, depends how much you want (or need?) the money and I guess if he's eating good food will cost you about £100 a month
Left the house as soon as I could, learnt my lessons in the 'real' world. Seems odd parents charging children I must say
Reading this thread depresses the **** out of me, and makes me realise why we have such a societal problem with the family unit.
Why on Earth would you charge your own flesh and blood? Surely you want the best for the them? You don't need to be taking their money to teach them life lessons. Be the example yourself.
And if you need the cash, then they should volunteer of their own volition.
I'm setting just over a k a month to help my parents out financially. They helped me out massively growing up, and now that I've got my first job, I'm going to take care of them.
Maybe I'm just strange, but family is everything, and I can't see the point of such a short term gain such as charging. :/