VeNT said:
anyone got any advice for a guy starting out on guitars?
Yes. I would pick up a 3/4 chord songbook. I had one and it was so useful and fun. It had a couple of Beatles songs (I remember being a pro at a two chord version of Elenor Rigby) and other 'classics' such as Mr. Tambourine man. Make sure it has some in that you know. You won't sound anything like the recordings, but to strum along is very satisfying.
The sooner you get comfortable with A, E, D, G, and C open chords the better. Soon you will be ready to tackle that mighty F chord!
Oh, and alternate picking. Do it before its too late! Pick one note with a downpick, and pick it again with an up-pick and repeat. It may sound silly, but many people REALLY find this hard, so its a good thing to nail and get right early on. Aply this idea to scales and other series of notes.
Magic_x_uk said:
I also got myself a acoustic guitar, but it has no markings on the frets. Can you buy stickers or something ?
My dad put some tip-ex on the side of the guitar neck (The side nearest to you) to help him. I wouldn't recommend it if you want to keep your guitar in mint condition, I have no idea how it affects the finish. His guitar was an old duffer from Argos or somewhere.
My guitar doesn't have fret markers on the fretboard, only on the side of the neck like above, so its not some gimp substitute if you have none on the fretboard. If you fancy this, do it at the 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th and 12th frets, as on your pacifica.