Songs that go on for too long...

Asking Gilly about his hate towards Floyds is somewhat like dancing about architecture. As in - he knows it is something of universal appeal across many generations, he knows it sold better than any band in British history (including Beatles, but that's more due to overall inflation) and their legacy is more of an axiom, than a topic for discussion. He knows all these things. But the fact he knows it just annoys him even more, so he will add "there is no spoon" wherever and whenever he can in hope the lie will one day turn true. I guess we all have that kind of feeling of deep hatred towards someone or something - for me it's the fascist mayor of London - Ken Livingstone. If it was up to me I would have him flown in a trunk to Venezuela, released on random street and then all traces of him, his life and his bloodline removed from records. His legacy vanished, memory of him gone. The good thing is - I know Ken Livingstone will be gone come next elections, and if not, someone surely will have him executed or imprisoned for life sooner or later, whereas Gilly faces Pink Floyd haunting him for the rest of his life. :D
v0n said:
Asking Gilly about his hate towards Floyds is somewhat like dancing about architecture. As in - he knows it is something of universal appeal across many generations, he knows it sold better than any band in British history (including Beatles, but that's more due to overall inflation) and their legacy is more of an axiom, than a topic for discussion. He knows all these things. But the fact he knows it just annoys him even more, so he will add "there is no spoon" wherever and whenever he can in hope the lie will one day turn true. I guess we all have that kind of feeling of deep hatred towards someone or something - for me it's the fascist mayor of London - Ken Livingstone. If it was up to me I would have him flown in a trunk to Venezuela, released on random street and then all traces of him, his life and his bloodline removed from records. His legacy vanished, memory of him gone. The good thing is - I know Ken Livingstone will be gone come next elections, and if not, someone surely will have him executed or imprisoned for life sooner or later, whereas Gilly faces Pink Floyd haunting him for the rest of his life. :D

That's poetry.
I don't think a good song can last too long. However, for me a bad song, no matter how short, is way too long. I'd put anything by Pink Floyd or Mariah Carey into this category!
Dream Theater (some songs anyway, like Octavarium)
Rush (same as what I said for Dream Theater)
The Mars Volta (all their songs go on for way too long)

Gilly said:
1. They're crap.
2. All the music is too slow.
3. They're crap.
4. There's usually no discernable talent.
5. The songs are too long.
6. That ****ing stupid flying pig.
7. The fact that they have such a hardcore following. Its like an entire generation got brainwashed.
8. They're crap.
9. They're pretentious.
10. They're overrated.

I agree completely, they're not the rock gods people make them out to be. That said, i still do like that song "Another Brick in the Wall" but that's because it's a real catchy groove.
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