Sony Taking on Live

VIRII said:
Sony own Everquest don't they ? So they have experience in the type of online services required.

As an ex EQ and EQ2 player I can say that once sony stepped in it became a bit of a shambles.

I hope sony balls up totally.
I have read that microsoft have spent 4 years and nearly 2billion creating the xbox live system

Sony will be playing catchup for ages yet after all Microsoft are the experts in this field sony are the underdog (makes a change)

Its not just as simple as sony saying "yeah we will make our own live" this will without question take serious money and joint efforts from sonys in house teams

I dont expect anything form sony to touch microsofts online for a long time
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Sony also own squaresoft, i will buy a PS3 for FF end of story. However i am now in the market for a 360 to see how MS compare and i reckon especially with regaurd to online functionality they will win out. However betting against 'japanese' and 'gaming' in the same sentence is never wise, i just wish that sony were more honest about their console like nintendo are, rather that westernising their product and marketing it in a war they CANNOT* win!

*Unless theit CELL technology brings along some kind of uber leap in graphics and power which i doubt.

Note: im a sony fanboy, i love them. Just to contextualise this post.
Full on assault? Don't they need one of those new fangled consoles first? :p Sorry but given all the garbage they've been sprouting (kinda like that funny iraqi chap during the war) I find it rather hard to take anything seriously that they say.
Most of you ( I feel) are missing the point

M$ have thought about all the things that make Live work as it does, I am surre in the next 6 months or so for when PS3 comes out they will have got something major in place to surprise quite a number ( remember they also have known about Live since October, so thats nigh on a years developement time)

I think while they might not be quite upto Live as it will be, it will have other unique items to differentiate it and make it a true competitor

I am betting they will have at the very least equivelant stuff to what is now available

I also believe they will have enough packages which will be high quality out of the box, rather than M$ who couldnt be bothered to include a $5 hidef lead of some kind
PuncH said:
I hope sony balls up totally.

I don't understand that sort of attitude. It's in all of our interests as gamers for Sony to be successful with the PS3, so that (as VIRII said above) there is healthy competition and choice for the end user.
Ultra_Extreme said:
Sony also own squaresoft, i will buy a PS3 for FF end of story. However i am now in the market for a 360 to see how MS compare and i reckon especially with regaurd to online functionality they will win out. However betting against 'japanese' and 'gaming' in the same sentence is never wise, i just wish that sony were more honest about their console like nintendo are, rather that westernising their product and marketing it in a war they CANNOT* win!

*Unless theit CELL technology brings along some kind of uber leap in graphics and power which i doubt.

Note: im a sony fanboy, i love them. Just to contextualise this post.

save yourself some cash and get a 360. FF is going to be on that as well.

PS...i'm fast becoming an xbox fanboy (never thought i'd be like this, as I used to like sony a lot).
I would be surprised if Sony had something that could match Live and was integrated into every single PS3 game as seamlessly as Live is.

I'm not bashing Sony, I hope they can pull it off because it will make the whole PS3 experience so much better and would certainly encourage me to buy one, but for them to do a sudden U turn and suddenly say they're going to be releasing a similar product gives me the impression it won't be as polished as Live is, afterall Live has been around for quite some time now.
FrankJH said:
I also believe they will have enough packages which will be high quality out of the box, rather than M$ who couldnt be bothered to include a $5 hidef lead of some kind

i don't know about you but i got a hi def lead with my 360.
also they sell accessories as extras cos they make money from them, sony are bound to take a loss on the console so why ship a lead with it when they can sell it and make some ££ back ;)
After being a PC gamer for the last 10 years, im still absolutely gobsmacked at how utterly polished XBox Live for the 360 is. The integration for games is truly first rate and with only a couple of annoying bugs to boot (which will be fixed in this patch iirc).

Sony dont stand a chance. Not a chance in hell.
Microsoft have decades behind them in this game. Nobody could compete imho.
I dont say that as a fanboy. I say it as a realist.
"'It's very real,' one source tells us. 'They (Sony) are dead serious about it. They've declared, and I quote, a 'full-on assault' on the latest version of Xbox Live.'"

Sounds like some 15 yr old chav commenting tbh......Their dead serious doncha know!? :p

As impressed as i am with XBox Live, i'd say it's a little bit off from being "perfect".....I think the downloadable content needs to be better indexed and catogorized......Search through the Themes and Gamer Pictures for an example.....You could scroll down for ages before finding anything you might be interested in!

Fair play to Sony for having a crack at it....They basically have to do it as the masses are and will be screaming out for a Sony "Live"
I have to laugh at all those who think that Sony don't stand a cat in hells chance of matching Live.
Since when have the Japanese been anything less than brilliant at copying and improving a concept of someone elses ?
What is live?
A networked server and database.

Why will Sony have problems creating the same kind of thing, they aren't going to be shy about cpying the bits everyone raves about - a friends list ...... ooooh I'll bet Sony are really concerned about that.
Downloads ...... um so what ?
Gamer points ....... a bit like exp perhaps ?

I am sure Sony will come out with something that is equal to live and probably a few innovations of their own. Not that I'll be buying a PS3. I just can not see what the big issue is with creating a service that has lives facilities. What exactly is it that is so complex about live that is not already possible in SOE EQ/EQ2 ?
I'm with VIRII on this one. If Sony want to create a clone of XBOX Live! they're well within their abilities to create a clone of XBOX Live! If they make a half-arsed attempt they're obviously going to fail; it depends on how commited they are.

Those saying Sony don't stand a chance in hell are treating Sony as if they're a newly established company with minimal budget.
not treating sony like idiots but MS have a much bigger budget and have obviously spent along time working on live. Sony seem to be trying to do this at a rather late stage considering the console was spose to be out soon now they are trying to add new things. Seems quite late to be doing it which is why people are skeptical if it was announced from the beginning people wouldnt be so negative towards it. As all developers working for MS knew Live was gonna be there they have had time to work with it. Where as unless sony decided along time ago they was doing this it seems like an extra strain the developers could do without considering they are all saying how difficult it is to code for.
VIRII said:
Live is good but what is actually so special about it ?
What are the top 5 things that you like about live?

I like the fact that I can play games against others and use a headset all hassle free.
I like the rankings and achievements and Gotham TV etc.
I like the downloads of demo games and old arcade games.

Other than that I just like the fact that it works, takes no configuring and is simple.

All true indeed although Live can become so much more, a full distrubution channel for games if need be. Do remember the VGA camera will be available soon too (whoopie body parts)

Imagine if a Gears Of War demo was available at this years E3 and you could actually download it that evening, with perhaps a charge but sure as hell would beat the usual cam footage the internet gets filled with at such shows.

Personally i think MS should have a monthly video magazine available on live something to the quality to "G4" professionally done and without Viloet Berlin or blumming Gamesmaster with spotty 13yr olds this would not only have interviews trailers etc but all the upcoming news/previews.

btw expect Live and Vista to bring much much more like the new MTV Urge service, its possible it could be a rival to something like itunes, well to an extent, who knows what all theyve got planed but expect some neat stuff.

Sony i dont think can compete and its rumoured Microsoft spent 2 billion with Live but hey if thats not accurate whats a few hundred thousand dollars to Microsoft.

Sony are becoming more disliked than MS
PSP delay and rip off Britain Prices / Piracy/Imports Court Cases & Corporate BS / Renderware Videos Galore / Overhyping hardware / Sequel Filled Catalouges
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Nismo said:
It wouldnt be feasible financially to make it completely free, so the best they would be able to do is have an equivalent to Live's Silver package.

PS2s online service was free.
wyrdo said:
And look at how fantastic that was!

That wasnt the point, sony havent gone bankrupt over giving a free online service, (that works properly I might add) so there is no reason why they cant give a free service.
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