Sort out photo and video forum: Ideas

I'm just enjoying flickR more nowadays tbh compared to TP or here!

I suggest another meet, I really enjoyed your previous effort phate/mrk.
A Spring London meet, yes! I need to give the 35 a good street thrashing :D
If Jacob doesn't want to arrange it again then I can but only after I'm back from Finland because I'll have the extra time then!
the last meet cost me a 24-105L so can ppl not bring fancy kit please.
Maybe we should shoot film :P
lets see how you do when you can't see ;)
I've got to admit, I read this forum everyday but I don't often tend to bother looking in the big photo threads. I've never really given much thought to why that is. Perhaps because its so easy to get lost in. Unless you are actively remembering what page you got to, its such a big thread that its not easy to follow. I think by its nature, its also not a thread that is setup for comment or critique.

To contrast, I always look at threads where somebody has created a set or wants to post a photo or two for feedback. Its easy to follow and is more open to discussion.

Overall though, I think critique is something that is perhaps fading on the internet. If you take photo sharing sites like Flickr, 500px etc. I find that in general the photos that get comments or interest are either:

- A photo that is simply amazing, but even still, it being 'featured' is what will get it the audience that will comment. There are plenty of fantastic images that will go by pretty much unnoticed.

- Photos of women. The more pervy they are, the more views and comments. However, none of these are really critiques of the photo.

As somebody else alluded to though, I see little in the way of negative or constructive criticism on photo sharing websites. Nobody wants to tread on any toes and you are likely to get rebuttal if you disagree with a popular opinion.

As for the Spec me threads here on OCUK.
90% of the time, those are going to be by people who aren't really photographers currently, so its unlikely they have paid much attention to these forums. Most are going to wade right in and post such a thread. Having a sticky thread might help with that, but at the sametime, it would just become massive and technology and what is on sale moves on. Personally though, given that most threads regarding DSLRs boil down to a Canon or Nikon question, I am firmly of the belief that the potential buyer should physically look at both brands and make their decision on what they like best, rather than something being pushed down their throats because its what you yourself use. Currently most spec me threads seem to be exactly the same, somebody asks what to get and all the answers come back Nikon.
the last meet cost me a 24-105L so can ppl not bring fancy kit please.
Maybe we should shoot film :P
lets see how you do when you can't see ;)

How did it cost you a 24-105? xD

If Jacob doesn't want to arrange it again then I can but only after I'm back from Finland because I'll have the extra time then!

30/31 March?! What a good choice! :p

I think we'd see more individual ones if the mega threads died simply because at the moment it's almost seen as arrogant to post images in their own thread.

Oddly enough, when I was really happy with a photo not too long ago, and I mean it's the first photo I've ever been 100% happy with in 7 years of photography, I chucked it in a topic thread instead, for this reason :)
it has become a place of "spec me" and not enough creative discussion about peoples pics, techniques etc.

photography is all about creativity, composition, framing and lighting. Not about gear!
Something I just though of in the last seconds was maybe we need more discussion and tutorial threads on techniques? E.g., we can have a discussions on composition that include information and links for beginners, tips, people can ask questions about way a photo does not feel well composed, etc.

Other topics could be:
  • Studio Lighting
  • Strobe lighting/flash work
  • Post processing
  • Maximimizing pixel data (UniWB, ETTR, histogram analysis etc.)
  • Camera and lens maintenance (sensor cleaning, lens cleaning, calibration)
  • Long lens techniques
  • Focusing: setting up the advanced focus capabilities, avoiding field curvature issues, hyper-focal focusing.
  • Portraiture
  • Printing, monitor and printer calibration, soft proofing

We could build up a library of valuable information and links, greatly assist beginners and teach experienced togs new tips and techniques.
Well, I for one will be starting a fair few threads in the next couple of months.

Have decided to stick with my NX1000, and want to be getting the best out of it by the time I go to Costa Rica in April.

I always seem to mess up stuff with anything but bright sunlight. It was worse with a bridge camera, but a brief test run on Sunday to a park, and didn't get a single good photo of birds on ground.

Anyway, on what to do to improve things... Well, a sure-fire way of turning people off somewhere is heavy handed moderation and rules. I was surprised that watermarking was not allowed.

A professional will want to protect his work. I can understand that. Of course they will go somewhere else if they can't put photos on here.

I am pretty sure some time back, there was a lot more people posting few photos in new thread, but getting flack from people for doing so.

People should feel free to and a new thread. Perhaps anyone who bitches could get a spanking? As if they don't like a thread, they can easily ignore it.

There is always going to be a lot of spec me threads. Just live with it, help out and move on. Same in every section on the site.

What I don't like, but is a problem on EVERY section of the site is equipment snobbery/brand loyalty. But there is nothing you can do about it, except hope that those people will one day grow up.

As for massive post picture thread... Well, I think there is a place for the themed ones, but a massive one size fits all is a no-no. I don't go into that thread personally.

Everyone needs to try and build and air of encouragement for those not as good. IF someone posts pics in a big thread, and asks for critique, and they may need a lot, advise them to create their own thread where they can get more direct help.

Criticism needs to constructive though. And if someone does not have patience, they are better off letting others help.
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