It might not seem problematic at the moment but all that hot air is blowing straight down towards your video card. You need to be getting rid of the heat the cpu is producing not blowing it straight into your case. If you insist on using the zalman may i suggest you at least turn both the zalman and the top fan round so at least its blowing any hot air out.
You need to format and assign a drive letter to your 500gb hd for it to appear in windows, to do this right click on my computer then click manage then click on disk management. Your hd will be in there, right click on the drive and format it.
as for temperature reading i'd use intel TAT, which can be found
No offence but maybe next time you decide to build a computer it might be wise to swot up on the products you're going to purchase as this would save problems like cpu fans not fitting in properly occurring.