South West Meet 2006 (SWM06)

Firestar_3x said:
Personally i would bring something french and brie like, that way if you do break down you can start eating the car, least you won't go hungry :p

Ha ha good idea add me to the maybe list. :D
[TW]Fox said:
You said the two possible locations were Dorest or Cornwall - Exmoor is in neither.
When did I say Exmoor was in Cornwall? I didn't, end of story.

[TW]Fox said:
Never said I was. Neither are you, come to mention it ;)
I have more involvement than you.

Stop talking out of your arse as usual mike :p
Evening all.

Exmoor sounds like an ideal place. Are there many (s)cameras up on Exmoor?

As has been posted. This is the SOUTH WEST meet. So it will NOT be moved away from the SOUTH WEST to accomodate more distant members.

Unfortunate as this is it would not be a South West meet otherwise.

Appreciate the interest from Mike & El. That's fantastic commitment!
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