Sovol SV08

So I didnt go for the sv08 in the end, but just the upgrade to my sv06+, the sv07+ and its quite a decent upgrade.. But not only did I buy that, I bought a smaller Anycubic Kobra 3 4coloured printer..... Heres a pic and the size diff is quite big even though the Kobra 3 build area is the avg size of 250mm x 250 mm x 260mm

So each printer has taken about a week to fine tune all the settings, so hopefully the printers should work every time when I want to print, cross fingers lol. The main reason for choosing the Kobra multi filament printer was because it seems and is really easy to use unlike these other printers with filament boxes are a real faff to load and unload filament and they are picky with what spools you can use too...

But with the filament box on the kobra 3 its dead easy to use, you just throw pretty much any size spool in the box and feed the filament through the feed holes at the front, and the motor will take the filament from you and send it on its way, job done.. Its dead easy to remove aswel because after every print the printhead cuts the filament and backouts the filament, so all you have to do is take out the spool and manually pull out the filament....How easy is that.. The printer wont print TPU with the filament box as its too flexible but you can use the printer just like a 1 filament printer without the 4filament box when using TPU. But I can use the big sovol printer for TPU and big prints.
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