Space Hulk: Deathwing

Holyfugginpoooooooooo... looks amazing! If it turns out to be as good as it looks and sounds (the cynic in me says don't get your hopes up) especially with the Co-Op play this will really be something special. Wow.
This is actually, probably the only game that's due to come out in the future that might peak my interest..

Played the original board game back ~25 years ago and started collecting a Blood Angels army (most of which I still have in boxes somewhere) mainly just to paint stuff, this could really be something...

Unless, of course its some sort of IP licensing stuff that GW are doing to get some money in the bank because they've ****ed people off changing stuff over the last 2 decades and its going to be a pile of ****...
looks awesome!! Will definitely be grabbing this for some coop at some point. Looks very much like a sci-fi vermintide.
Man if this is good then this will be the best year for 40k games ever. Battlefleet gothic, eternal crusade (pending how it turns out) and then this. So much jizz
Argh Spce Hulk, I bought a Spce Hulk game for the Sega Saturn and frankly it was boring and the gameplay was rubbish and from wht I've seen the new game looks like by the numbers shooter with a sci-fi twist.
Argh Spce Hulk, I bought a Spce Hulk game for the Sega Saturn and frankly it was boring and the gameplay was rubbish and from wht I've seen the new game looks like by the numbers shooter with a sci-fi twist.

The Saturn game has nothing to do with this, it was years ago and a different publisher.

As for the "by the numbers shooter with a sci-fi twist" part, care to explain that in more detail?
If you cast your minds back to the original PC / Amiga Space Hulk game, you also played as Terminators from the Dark Angel chapter, Deathwing company so I wonder if this game will be anything like the original, which was awesome :)
I don't follow Warhammer and I love the look of this game, I saw the gameplay footage and thought it looked interesting as hell. Count me in as one of those waiting for more info on the game.
Oh my word, the visuals and artistic direction look spot on! Looking forward to seeing the trailer again on big screen
I don't follow Warhammer and I love the look of this game, I saw the gameplay footage and thought it looked interesting as hell. Count me in as one of those waiting for more info on the game.

The books are immense. If you like grim dark endless war where entire worlds can die in a day, then warhammer 40k is right for you.

But it looks good regardless of your 40k experience
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