Space Hulk: Deathwing

The Dark Angels and the Deathwing lore is awesome. If you can pick up the codex it makes for good reading :)

Some of the books are pretty good, Deathwing I think it was I read a looong time ago when the original tabletop Space Hulk came out..

Still got the majority of my 40k army in boxes, some pretty rare stuff in there, I started off on Hulk so most of it was Terminators but when you start playing rather than just painting and entire Terminator army is pretty expensive..
the gameplay trailer looks awesome.

the fact that the story has been penned by one of the book authors gives me hope.

they are using ships from the lore also as hulks, has given me heart.

nice graphics too.
Looks like someone might have nailed a Space Hulk game at last, not just a crap electronic version of the board game. Actually looks pretty decent!
Form an elite Terminator squad of the Deathwing with your friends and cleanse a gigantic space Space Hulk of the Xeno threat!
Preorder today 10:00 AM (PDT) on Steam and get 15% off Space Hulk: Deathwing and an exclusive in-game weapon - the Lost Mace of Corswain!

Finally, it'll be up on Steam for pre-order later today. I'll be pre-ordering this right away, please let this be good!
You wait is nearly over, it is coming!!!

Netheos said:
Greetings Librariens!

We are pleased to showcase an elite Terminator squad of the Deathwing as they cleanse a gigantic Space Hulk of the Xeno threat.

Space Hulk: Deathwing is playable cooperatively as well as in single player.You can join forces as up to four friends, with each of you playing a tactical role in Space Hulk: Deathwing. As the Librarian, you can take up arms with the infamous Storm Bolter and harness psychic powers to unleash destruction on the enemy.


The Deathwing veteran can mow down Genestealers with his assault cannon, while the Apothecary is tasked with keeping the squad alive. Finally, a tactician specialist can support the team with a passive buff as well as other abilities, which is useful for controlling the swarms of Genestealers. Teamwork is the key to success against the insurmountable enemy force, constantly flooding through the tunnels and corridors of the Space Hulk.

Players will be able to pre-order the game on Steam today around 7PM (CEST), and will benefit from the following bonuses:
• 15% off the price of the game
• 1 in-game weapon – the Lost Mace of Corswain






I also made a video about the coming release for anyone whose interested :)

I am trying not to become over excited. Most GW-affiliated games have been rubbish (with certain notable exceptions) but given how good Vermintide was, this could be amazing. If I get to play as an Apothecary too that would be icing on the cake. The lack of a healer/support role in Vermintide meant I spent much of my time as a shield-bearing dwarf, but would have preferred a healer. I suppose given the balance, that particular game couldn't have had a healer without it being a mandatory pick, whereas in deathwing it looks a bit more like the squad makeup will be standardised, so you'll always have one (human or AI). Is that right?
It's live now at £25 (15% off of £29.99). Says available November, but when you go to buy it it says "available 24th november". So we should take that as our date. So actually not a bad price to launch with.
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