Space PC Game

freelancer is an excellent space shooter, although graphics could do with an imrpovement, and bigger ships would be nice :D
uk_viper said:
freelancer is an excellent space shooter, although graphics could do with an imrpovement, and bigger ships would be nice :D
it is 4 or 5 years old though :p

another vote for Freelancer :) awesomely addictive game... X2 + X3 are supposed to be good too :)
nikebee said:
it is 4 or 5 years old though :p

another vote for Freelancer :) awesomely addictive game... X2 + X3 are supposed to be good too :)

it would be good if they made x2 and x3 multiplayer playable, i think it would have openned upto a large audience then, thats what freelancers' advanage was
freelancer. good playability and longevity due to trading. combat is decent, much better then in the X series of games.
freespace 2. old but good due to combat.
Freespace 2 is pretty fantastic, and being open source it is available for free and is also constantly updated in terms of new enhancments. It's certainly the best Space Sim I've played in the last 10 years (I got it back in January).
HangTime said:
Freespace 2 is pretty fantastic, and being open source it is available for free and is also constantly updated in terms of new enhancments. It's certainly the best Space Sim I've played in the last 10 years (I got it back in January).

Free you say? (said in Zoidberg's voice)

Where can I download it from?
Freespace = The best space game ever

Freelancer is awsome too

I still haven't got round to playing X2, i got a copy of it, but my computer is too poor to enjoy it, and I want to get a manual for the game first.

So as soon as i get a new computer and some free time im buying both the X games, im sure they aer awsome
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