spanish protest\riots live footage

Debt fueled socialism is failing not capitalism. Capitalism is the closest thing to natural order and natural human behavior, so it will reset towards that. Hugely DE-LEVERAGED capitalism, roughly where things would have been if the ridiculously unsustainable debt orgy had not occurred. That means those hipster faggot protestors working in a factory making trainers, instead of their vague dream about using their useless liberal arts degrees at some useless government non-job.
Debt fueled socialism is failing not capitalism. Capitalism is the closest thing to natural order and natural human behavior, so it will reset towards that. Hugely DE-LEVERAGED capitalism, roughly where things would have been if the ridiculously unsustainable debt orgy had not occurred. That means those hipster faggot protestors working in a factory making trainers, instead of their vague dream about using their useless liberal arts degrees at some useless government non-job.

Really, and yet the Global Economic Crisis started in America, the most capitalist country in the word where the word 'socialist' is used as an insult and socialist countries likes Norway and Sweden have had much less economic disruption than us and the USA.

So how do you square that circle?
i see minimal coverage on msm, what a surprise.


It's okay, they have the authority to do that.

Really, and yet the Global Economic Crisis started in America, the most capitalist country in the word where the word 'socialist' is used as an insult and socialist countries likes Norway and Sweden have had much less economic disruption than us and the USA.

So how do you square that circle?

the most capitalist country != a capitalist country.
Debt fueled socialism is failing not capitalism.

Really, and yet the Global Economic Crisis started in America, the most capitalist country in the word where the word 'socialist' is used as an insult and socialist countries likes Norway and Sweden have had much less economic disruption than us and the USA.

So how do you square that circle?

America has a massive welfare state. Read this to thread see where and how the crisis started due to what can only be described as a government mandated privatized social housing experiment.
Instead of giving people outright welfare cheques, they gave them access to credit. It's credit as a form of benefits.

Probably the most ill-conceived post WW2 social experiment ever devised.
This is all going to end in smaller government not bigger government. Not because of the will of the people but because of the simple arithmetic.
The situation is the same as it is here.

The banks were allowed to do as they pleased and we bailed out which would not happen for most other companies at no real cost to the bank.

Our country is the same but we can still give billions to europe and afghanistan and Iraq wars.

So we are not broke and not effectively in debt we are just giving money away to force us into debt and higher prices.

Its win win for goverments, there can bring in austerity measures because they have told you the reason......''the recession'' but its only half the story.
America has a massive welfare state. Read this to thread see where and how the crisis started due to what can only be described as a government mandated privatized social housing experiment.

Yeah I saw that one. "It's the blacks fault", I'm sure the BNP would be interested in hearing that theory.

But even if you accept that as being the cause, it was done by trying to 'force' the capitalism dream of everyone owning their own home. A socialist would use 'social housing', it's the capitalist idea that people should own their homes and hence more risky loans being offered. It's similar to Thatcher promoting people buying up their council houses, you can't tell me she was doing it for socialist reasons.
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Yeah I saw that one. "It's the blacks fault", I'm sure the BNP would be interested in hearing that theory.

  • Banks weren't lending to subprime people.
  • The government noticed disproportionate number of subprime were minorities.
  • Therefor banks are quite obviously racist and the government must force them to make "non-traditional" loans to the "protected classes" (exact wording in the gov docs I posted).
  • The banks said this was an awful idea and sued the government to prevent it.
  • Government threatened them with sanctions.
  • The banks shrugged their shoulders and said OK... but in for a penny in for a pound, and went ALL OUT.
  • The other banks in the world were forced to do the same to compete.
  • Subprime people bought what amounted to social housing on credit and didn't pay it back *SURPRISE*
  • Banks shrugged their shoulders again and government bailed them out.
  • Banks weren't lending to subprime people.
  • The government noticed disproportionate number of subprime were minorities.
  • Therefor banks are quite obviously racist and the government must force them to make "non-traditional" loans to the "protected classes" (exact wording in the gov docs I posted).
  • The banks said this was an awful idea and sued the government to prevent it.
  • Government threatened them with sanctions.
  • The banks shrugged their shoulders and said OK... but in for a penny in for a pound, and went ALL OUT. The other banks in the world were forced to do the same to compete.
  • Subprime people bought what amounted to social housing on credit and didn't pay it back *SURPRISE*
  • Banks shrugged their shoulders again and government bailed them out.

None of which answers my second paragraph. You are blaming 'socialism' for the crisis when it fact it was the desire to accelerate capitalism that was the issue (if you accept the above theory as being the cause). Afterall, people not being able to afford housing is only a 'problem' in a capitalist system. Socialism already has a solution, called social housing.

So in fact it was America's fear of socialism and trying to force the capitalist ideal of everyone owning their own home that was the issue.
None of which answers my second paragraph. You are blaming 'socialism' for the crisis when it fact it was the desire to accelerate capitalism that was the issue (if you accept the above theory as being the cause). Afterall, people not being able to afford housing is only a 'problem' in a capitalist system. Socialism already has a solution, called social housing.

So in fact it was America's fear of socialism and trying to force the capitalist ideal of everyone owning their own home that was the issue.

America was already over flowing with social housing. Never heard of "the projects"? The American version of a "scheme". It doesn't have enough "fairness" though does it.

The goal is not to provide people with accommodation or anything else. There are no well thought out goals. The goal is simply to make everyone EQUAL. Equality equality equality. It's a quasi-religious dogma. Everyone must be equal in every way. Equal housing, equal jobs, equal health, equal education, equal everything.

If some people own houses, EVERYONE should own houses, because everyone must be EQUAL. Equality uber alles.

And that is the extent of their reasoning. It's then mandated and a bunch of bureaucrat underlings work out the technical details, as is their job, without a single regard towards the big picture.

result: train wreck.
The program was actually called the Fair Housing Bill or something like that. or Fair Lending I think it was.

It's all about the fairness.

The wonderful thing for bureaucrats is that equality doesn't actually exist. It never can exists. It's a problem that can never be solved... the type of problem you could pay yourself to to fix indefinitely. Is that not the perfect job or what? Invent a problem that can never be solved and force everyone pay you to solve it.

And anybody who recognizes your racket is a racist classist capitalist and part of the problem (which you are working so hard to solve by spending everyone's money).
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