Spec me 32GB kit for Ryzen please

Not sure, really. Would I be better going for 3600mhz or is 3200 better supported?
Faster ram does help by how much it very's but there is also the timming setting of the ram lower the better.

The 3200mhz offers excellent value if you can afford it go higher kHz.

Price performance ratio
£100 For the 3200mhz
£200 For the b die ram sugested above

100% more in cost doesn't equate in performance maybe 5-10%
Faster ram does help by how much it very's but there is also the timming setting of the ram lower the better.

The 3200mhz offers excellent value if you can afford it go higher kHz.

Price performance ratio
£100 For the 3200mhz
£200 For the b die ram sugested above

100% more in cost doesn't equate in performance maybe 5-10%

It's interesting to think about value for money, how much performance you get for the extra spend. As far as I can figure, dropping an extra £100 on RAM is terrible value for money. Extra spend on the GPU or CPU is likely to offer better returns. Likewise expensive motherboards, a £160 B550 board would perform identically unless you actually need the extra PCIe4.0.

Probably get a lot more performance for your money with a cheaper board and RAM but getting a faster CPU or GPU (depending on what you use the machine for).
It's interesting to think about value for money, how much performance you get for the extra spend. As far as I can figure, dropping an extra £100 on RAM is terrible value for money. Extra spend on the GPU or CPU is likely to offer better returns. Likewise expensive motherboards, a £160 B550 board would perform identically unless you actually need the extra PCIe4.0.

Probably get a lot more performance for your money with a cheaper board and RAM but getting a faster CPU or GPU (depending on what you use the machine for).

I think that's a very good point, to be fair.

Budget isn't an issue for me, but it's still sensible to have some sort of standard/parameter as you say. I'm considering a 3090 purchase so have opted for the X570 Tomahawk. With regards the RAM, I already have 16GB 3200 C14 B-die so the big question is whether I actually need 32GB. I'm reading here and there that it could be an advantage?

If 32GB is justified then I'll probably go for the B-die kit.
Value for money is always an important factor to me as I'm such a tight ****. :)

Wouldn't it make more sense and value just adding 16gb of b die ram instead of swapping to a 32gb kit ?
Makes sense.

The 32gb teamgroup is c16 which has higher timings then corsair.

You can get corsair 32gb 3600mhz c18 ryzen tuned for £130 as an alternative.

Not as pretty as yours but ...


Pardon my ignorance (I really should know better with the amount of time & effort I throw at this hobby :p) - what would the performance difference be in terms of gaming FPS at 4k 120Hz, which is my primary use case?
What game or app benefits from 32gb over 16?

I've seen the Microsoft Flight Simulator and also Cities Skyline games mentioned a few times now. I think people are also mentioning Cyberpunk but obviously we have no idea yet. I think some others but I forget. May have been ones that with mods added. Also some people mention with games they have things open in the background and that can obviously eat into the memory usage. Apps not sure.... Chrome with hundreds of tabs open. lol.
What game or app benefits from 32gb over 16?
Well ive been running 32gb for awhile - not every game or apps needs 32gb, it does give you a better 'buffer'. I have seen over 16gb a couple of times (I think BF1 was at 16.5Gb+). Im sure modern titles will start using more - take Microsoft Flight Simulator for example. Generally its easier to run 2 sticks, than 4 too, and 2 sticks of 16gb gives you the option of another 2x sticks (if required later), so you can hit 64gb. I can understand why many people go 'just' for 16gb, although when you run out of memory with a game/app you will get massive hit to your performance - swapping to any kind-of drive is very slow compared to main memory.
Don't get me wrong. 10 years ago I believed 16gb would be standard kit very soon and on that trajectory we would all have 128gb ram by now. It would enable games to be loaded into ram instead of always streaming from the drive which is something I felt was inflicted on us by limited console specs dictating how games are designed.

However we are in a place where 16gb seems to be plenty and games are designed to not be all loaded into ram.
However we are in a place where 16gb seems to be plenty and games are designed to not be all loaded into ram.
Yea I totally agree, I too would have thought the memory usage would be higher by now too. 16gb is fine, but 32gb gives you that extra (in the past ive had problems matching memory up, although tech used to move so much faster then).
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