Spec me a £30 Vodka


Mixing Grey Goose at all! Schoolboy error.

Get whichever is cheapest from:

Grey Goose
Stolichnaya Elit
Wyborowa Exquisite

You won't go far wrong.

This man speaks the truth. Trust me on this, this stuff is the best I have ever had.

Did a blind tasting recently. In the mix were -

Snow Queen

Snow Queen won hads down. Chase came last. Vodka should NOT be made from potato. It is not vodka.

Your problem there comes from the fact that you're mixing actual premium vodka (snow queen) with Absolut and Smirnoff.
Well it makes a very tasty drink and it is impossible to purchase lanique Orange vodka in UK, unless ordering online. Stolichnaya orange is hard to find also.

Putting a bottle of either in the freezer for vodka shots is of course the preffered method of consumption :)

They're for sipping and savouring. Not shooting.

BTW, Lanique is readly available on whiskyexchange as well as thedrinkshop.

It mings though :p

Good call. Got into that when over in NZ back in 2005.

Your problem there comes from the fact that you're mixing actual premium vodka (snow queen) with Absolut and Smirnoff.

I will not deny that. It was a kind of impromptu tasting session tbh.

Next one is planned and will have another two premiums included as well, plus a supermarket own brand thrown in.

I still stand by what I said though, I have tried many vodkas over the years. Am an English born Scandinavian. Snow Queen is still the best I have tried. :)
There are a few around that price range that are nice, I'm a Goose man myself, but they are all nice, leagues above Smirnoff/Absolut.

That said, this is the nicest stuff I have ever had, so smooth even neat at room temperature! The £30 range still needs to be nice and cold for neat drinking.
I might try some next time I'm out but I'm not splunking that amount on a bottle of vodka with my firstborn due, our lass would castrate me :D

[edit]My current list of tipples. There's two bottles of Smirniff black there, one normal and one copper pot still. THey were both bought as presents.

Drinks cabinet:


I'm not a gin fan really, but when our lass can drink again the Gordon's will become Bombay Sapphire

In the freezer:

Its a hard one this i think, i have some decent vodka's but i think my actual favorite for drinking is Green Mark Vodka and its not even that expensive, just a nice taste i think.


Other than that, the ones i have are

SKY 90
Russian Standard Normal / Imperia / Silver Select
Grey Goose
Finlandia 50% Proof
Smirnoff Pot Distilled
Absolut 100
Smirnoff Penka
What's the Copper Still stuff like Gilly?
Nice Kezie food too, they should have given me some money for the advertising I did :D.
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