Spec me a Bass guitar

4 Mar 2006
Hey guys, I'm looking to buy my first bass guitar. I've learnt guitar for a while but needs must and the band needs a bassisst. Rather than find one, we decided I'd just learn one :p

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone had any ideas as to a good one. I'm looking to spend no more than £200ish, although £150 would be more preferable. I've always liked Ibanez, but they're pushing the price a bit :(

So what might you guys recommend? For reference it'll be used to play a mix of funk and hardcore punk.
Out of interest, does anyone agree with me to never touch the 'bay for musical instruments, as I found a gsr200 that will come to £154.99 WITH p&p, I'm fairly sure that's a good deal, but I know how many fakes end up on there.
hmm, i sold my old GSR200 at £145

A new one at that price. I would get it from GAK if i was you or similar for about £170-200 is reasonable price to pay.

You would be very happy with that bass, believe me. ;)
Booner! said:
hmm, i sold my old GSR200 at £145

A new one at that price. I would get it from GAK if i was you or similar for about £170-200 is reasonable price to pay.

You would be very happy with that bass, believe me. ;)

K looks like I'll be heading for that one :)

Incidentally brand new from here for £165 with postage, or here for £162ish with postage. Seems good :)
Right, good prices!!

It is definatly worth saying that the blue is the best colour ;) Great finish

Plus that is the 06/07 model with the extra tone control (4th silver knob at bottom)

Well worth it!
HAving never payed attention to our bassist.... is it really necessary to have a bass amp over a regular amp? What's the difference? :( (only my guitar amp is worth close to £200, and I don't really want to hand out the sort of prices they want for a bass amp, they're vastly overpriced! :eek: )

EDIT: Gone to MSN. Anyone else has any input then post :p
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Well am sat here looking at THIS deal. Will probably pay by the end of the day, still... waiting for common sense to tell me something, yet nothing's coming :p

Anyone got any better deals around?
Ohhh interesting package. I'm looking around to mess around on the bass so I might look at getting that too! heh

Though.. the snob in me says, "get something more expensive" So if i was going for a bass around £300 - £400 ... any suggestions?
ubern00b23 said:
Ohhh interesting package. I'm looking around to mess around on the bass so I might look at getting that too! heh

Though.. the snob in me says, "get something more expensive" So if i was going for a bass around £300 - £400 ... any suggestions?

Burns Bison

but if your short.. just dont even bother :p it rly is a Bison!

but its stunning, and the sounds it can make are fantastic!!

my only dissapointment is that its top heavy, so you need a nice seude backed strap!
Don't buy an expensive bass for you first, you'll end up getting a better one anyway.

Bass amps are more expensive than guitar amps because there more awesome.
i agree, my first bass i brought on ebay for mega cheap, quite a good bass actually, in comparison to most

gear4music do some nice guitars/bass's to learn on, i know its off the subject of bass's but i brought my lil cousin his first guitar last year from there, great little package with an amp n stuff, for under £100, its not PRS standard but u know, it does the job for a little noddle at home.

not sure if i can put the link on here but oh well, take it off if its not ment to be =]

i've always found the GSR200 to have a really bland tone, people might hate me for saying it but going to a local music shop and trying a Squire Jazz Bass might be a better alternative. If you are lucky and find a good Squire Jazz Bass (some suck, some are > Mexican Fenders) then buy one now, my college is fortunate enough to have one of these amazing Squire Jazz basses and I intentionally don't bring my bass to jazz band just so I can play one.

Other than that, yamaha are quite good but again, their low end basses are quite bland like Ibanez, Ibanez and Yamaha shine in the mid range bass department. If you are sure bass is for you, i'd say save a little more money and get something truly excellent ;)
ubern00b23 said:
Ohhh interesting package. I'm looking around to mess around on the bass so I might look at getting that too! heh

Though.. the snob in me says, "get something more expensive" So if i was going for a bass around £300 - £400 ... any suggestions?

Yamaha RBX774

One in my sig, in blue, LUSH!! ;) Active. Top knotch Build. Tone is sweet. HEAVEN!
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