Spec me a comedy series >= Peepshow (if it exists)

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I forgot to mention Curb Your Enthusiasm - it's like a more modern, more adult, more real version of Seinfeld in my mind (which is itself superb, but I found a lot of people in this country don't 'get it'). It's amazing how Larry can just mess up absolutely everything.
Curb Your Enthusiasm is magnificent, and there's five series on DVD to sink your teeth into - and they're proper series not UK-style series (ie, finished just as you're getting into it).
Infact, according to IMDB series six is coming to air in Sept (?)
if you're talking UK based i think only Alan Partridge, Phoenix Nights and The Office are in the same league as Peep Show in terms of script class and cleverness, although i'd rate all 3 above Peep Show too.

Partridge no.1 of course ;)

Over the pond you can't go past Larry David - CYE is outstanding.
Brass Eye
Red Dwarf

nothing beats either of them imo!

a short series ive watched recently actualy. The IT Crowd i think its called. not great but takes up a few hours and there are a few giggle in there!

im more of a quizcom guy nowerdays.. i personally dont like many comedy seriies that have come out in recent times!
A comedy series better than Peepshow?

My Hero?
Glam Metal Detectives?

Hell, root canal work would be better...And funnier...

Peepshow is gash. Extras is gash. The Office is gash squared.

But seriously...

Alan Partridge
Brass Eye
The Day Today
The IT Crowd
Goodness Gracious Me
The Smell Of Reeves And Mortimer

You must check out I'm Alan Partridge!

penski said:
Hell, root canal work would be better...And funnier...

Peepshow is gash. Extras is gash. The Office is gash squared.

no u
penski said:
A comedy series better than Peepshow?

My Hero?
Glam Metal Detectives?

Hell, root canal work would be better...And funnier...

Peepshow is gash. Extras is gash. The Office is gash squared.


Thanks for coming in here and posting that. Appreciated.

Now go and grow a sense of humour.
arrested development
big train
black books
brass eye
father ted
the fast show
the it crowd
the mighty boosh

etc. all the best british comedies are linked by the same group of like 10-20 writers and actors

btw i have to say i liked the it crowd, not as good as the likes of spaced or father but still good
Hasn't been mentioned yet, so I may as well throw Drop the dead donkey into the mix.

Downside of course is that a topical sitcom isn't half as funny when you can't remember what happened that week 10-15 years ago.
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