Hmmm, I've having second thoughts about the HD555s. The open headphone feature doesn't seem that great. A few reviews have complained about the sound leaking out from them, they don't have a volume control on the cable. The last thing I need is my clan mates swearing booming round the house
Don;t worry about the sound leakage, it isn't very loud and doesn't sound like you have a massive set of speakers stuck on your head.
You can easily set the volume on vent or TS beforehand and the in game volume so you can have it setup very easily.
[/QUOTE]I guess I'm looking for closed headphones or open headphones with a volume control, that must be very comfortable. I would get the Fatal1ty headset but I've read things about them being uncomfortable and the mic on them breaking which has put me off a bit.[/QUOTE]
Don't get anything fatality, those products offer nothing apart from a name, and you will effectively be lining his geek ass pockets.
O and one more thing:
STOP RECOMMENDING GAMING HEADSETS when you have never heard a decent set of headphones. This is a forum and opinions are welcome, but most people saying 'medusa,icemat etc headset is amazing sound quality and bassy and great' have nothing to compare them against and you are actually just trying to justify your purchasing decision. Headsets really are crap and the gaming peripheral companies are laughing all the way to the bank, spending **** all on parts and drivers to put in these.
If you want a cheap headset an have under a tenner then go for it, but anything above that can get you a far superior set of headphones to use with gaming. I use my £15 koss ksc75 clip ons and they blow away any headset I have heard, and are even better than my grados (which arn't great for gaming with no soundstage).
With £50 to spend check out the senn 555s, beyer dt770s, audio technicas, maybe even some goldrings, or even my cheap koss ksc-75s. there is a massive choice out there of closed and open headphones which will make you realise how much there is to be had from sound that you have never heard before.