Spec me a story rich game

Not played this since it came out, don't remember much about it. Might have to install it again :)

From what I remember F.E.A.R. 2 and 3 did not get as good reviews. Got them in my steam library but never got round to playing them.

2 is half decent and still feels like F.E.A.R although it does fall short of the original. I tried to play through 3 - it's pretty average but I gave up after I got stuck on a part that was just ridiculously hard even after turning the difficulty down to easy - gave up after around 15 attempts. Apparently it has an interesting CO-OP mode in it but I never tried it.
Not played this since it came out, don't remember much about it. Might have to install it again :)

From what I remember F.E.A.R. 2 and 3 did not get as good reviews. Got them in my steam library but never got round to playing them.

As mentioned, F.E.A.R. 2 is a pretty decent game, though personally, I found it to be quite a long way off the first. The third felt even less like a F.E.A.R. experience to me, though (like the second) as a shooter in its own right, it was a reasonably decent game. The first title and the two expansion packs (Extraction Point & Perseus Mandate) are well worth playing. :)
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might both be short but I highly recommend The Walking Dead season 1 and Thomas was Alone (so story driven so much but excellent narrative as you play though it I just found very relaxing)

as mentioned the South Park RPG is excellent but I think you really need to get the games humour to get the most from it.
You'll love F.E.A.R, I thought they were all excellent.

I'll suggest Doom 3, it's as linear as Hell (joke intended) but it's great fun with the script from a Hollywood B movie!
I enjoyed Singularity and TimeShift immensely, though the latter feels a little dated. It will also need a dowdy patch to 1.2 which I found online and worked lovely (steam forums).

It's a bit Oddball but even though not very deep I really enjoyed the story of both the portal games, as it was this that kept me going rather than the puzzles, which were also excellent.

I'll have a look on my steam list later.
Another shout for The Walking Dead season 1. I'm not even a fan of the TV series but I have very rarely had a connection with the characters in a game as much as I did this.
Planescape Torment, if you haven't already, and The Last of Us if you have access to a PS3/4 - the best told story in a video game fullstop.
Longest Journey saga - TLJ, Dreamfall, Dreamfall Chapters
Deus Ex Mankind Divided
Life is Strange
Game of Thrones RPG

But seriously get Mankind Divided if not already played. It feels a bit like Cyberpunkish Witcher 3, with its emphasis on great sidequests.
Are you looking specifically for RPGs?

And do you have a PS4? If yes, then The Last of Us will blow your socks off.

If not, get Mankind Divided, Bioshock Infinite and Life is Strange.

There are a lot of suggestions but those four immediately spring to mind, with emphasis on TLOU which is overall the best game I've ever played and has the best executed story.
Lots of great suggestions in here :) here are a few I would recommend (pretty much all mirroring what's already been said.

Life is strange
Telltale games stuff
Max Payne
Mafia 2's story was excellent

And as I think I've seen one person say above, if you have a PS4 the last of us is simply incredible.
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