Spec me a turntable

Do you mind me asking what cartridge you have as I could do with some suggestions myself and its impossible to audition these things nowadays.

I have a Goldring 1042. It's fitted on a SME 3009 Series II improved, which is coupled with a Technics SL150 deck. I have had the arm and deck from new in 1980, the cartridge i got in 1996. This combination, together with a Michell record clamp out performs a lot of modern decks costing well over £1300.
A friend of mine had a Clearaudio Concept on trial from a dealer (cost over £1000), in back to back listening it really was a no contest. My setup had a much much wider soundstage, deeper and fuller base and a much better depth of sound as well.
Although I don't own one myself, at recent shows I've been to I've been very impressed by modestly priced Digital setups, I think this medium has moved forwards in leaps and bounds over the years and if starting afresh this is where I'd start.

So what would you buy?

SBT is discontinued and the Sonos has a 65000 track limit...
I love my SBT I use the EDO for USB out into my M-dac with a few tweaks like linear psu and IFIiusb power its a match for my Cyrus stream also into M-dac.

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At the mo I'm using my HTPC PC but its a faff...I want to be able to control my collection from an Ipad....Spotify and Radio would be great...
To get the best from vinyl you do indeed have to cough up substantially more than you would for a digital source,however once you hear a top end analogue rig there is truly no comparison!You could save your pennies for a while and shell out on a Lingo'd Lp12/Ekos with a decent Mc cartridge....that little lot will blow digital back into the murk where it belongs,you'll never look back.
To get the best from vinyl you do indeed have to cough up substantially more than you would for a digital source,however once you hear a top end analogue rig there is truly no comparison!You could save your pennies for a while and shell out on a Lingo'd Lp12/Ekos with a decent Mc cartridge....that little lot will blow digital back into the murk where it belongs,you'll never look back.

No, you actually don't. My player cost less than my Arcam CD player, and it sounds just as good, the sound is more open and I get better bass.
I own
2x Garrard 401
Gyrodec with orbe platter
and phono stages
Michell ISO
Cyrus phonoX with psxr
EAR 834p

So im well aware of how much it costs to get top sound from a record and its lots but when sorted a TT still is the daddy of front ends but you sure not going to get sound to match digital at low price points.
Linn LP12??

OK, you've got my attention. a few questions.

How old is the Linn & did you buy it from new?

Do you get the LP12 serviced when it needs to be serviced (yep, LP12's need this if they are to retain their sound quality)

What Arm & Cartridge?

What amp & speakers is it hooked up to?

If it isn't an LP12, my bad.

This is the teenage hi-fi buff suddenly emerged from deep memory retrival :p

FYI The LP12 was at the height of its powers in the late 70's early 80's, it was considered THE turntable to buy back then (with matching Ittok tonearm & Asak cartridge)

Linn didn't make amps back then, so the Amp of choice was Naim & Linn Speakers were either the small bookshelf Kanns or the massive Isobariks. Not much change from £5-10K which was out of my price range as a teenager. :(
Just installed Spotify Premium on my ipad and Moliplayer

Moliplayer streams FLAC fine from the server...Shine on you crazy Diamond by Pink Floyd sounds very good...A part of me wants the Process of the Sleeve and the physical act of putting on a Record tho :(

Using my Logitech Bluetooth adpaptor to connect the ipad to the Amp

Spotify has improved...Just got the 70's feed playing and it sounds ACE.
See comments below :)

OK, you've got my attention. a few questions.

How old is the Linn & did you buy it from new?
Oldest part 1990, newest part is from today, Yes

Do you get the LP12 serviced when it needs to be serviced
Yes, either by me or Peter Swain in Cymbiosis who is the no1. LP12 expert.

(yep, LP12's need this if they are to retain their sound quality)
Not as much as the hype and myths on the internet suggest... Properly setup they hold their tune for years. Most don't know how and fall into believing the myths and voodoo.

What Arm & Cartridge?
Linn Ekos + Lyra Evolve99

What amp & speakers is it hooked up to?
Linn and PMC

If it isn't an LP12, my bad.

You got lucky ;)

This is the teenage hi-fi buff suddenly emerged from deep memory retrival :p

FYI The LP12 was at the height of its powers in the late 70's early 80's, it was considered THE turntable to buy back then (with matching Ittok tonearm & Asak cartridge)

It's still the deck to beat, it dropped a little off the pace late 90's early 00's until LINN got back on the case with the SE updates.

Linn didn't make amps back then, so the Amp of choice was Naim & Linn Speakers were either the small bookshelf Kanns or the massive Isobariks. Not much change from £5-10K which was out of my price range as a teenager.

Naim amps were to harsh and aggressive for me, they dissected the music like audio vivisection... Thankfully Linn soon got into amps ;)
Not as much as the hype and myths on the internet suggest...

Well all those hype & myths existed in the days when the internet was still run by the US military, that's if you believed all the Reader's letters in the 80's hi-fi Magazines.... ;)
Early decks are harder to setup properly, sadly lots of dealers weren't that good at it... they weren't engineers, just sales men let lose with a screw driver. Hence few have ever touched my deck in the last 20+ years.
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