Spec me an Underboss!

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I'll do it but I don't want to do any work, I only want to come for the free dinners.

You do get the benefit of my scintillating and sparkling company, however.
Whoever the winner is, this will be their life from now on:

That was the OLD way of doing things here. The mods are far better now. If someone is trolling it's mostly seen as good humour unless they go too far overboard.
There is a difference between humorous posting and the blatent inflammatory trolling that goes on by a select group currently. it could be argued that the swing in policy had swung a little too far :p
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ok fine, after much soul searching, yes i'll do it. but, i insist on finishing early on fridays, start late on mondays and having a 2hr nap during the day.
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