Spec me some new Headphones plx?

hmm, just found out... look on other sites and it gives you differnt values... i cant link but this ones saying 1.5 hz, and otheres will say 5.

maybe that 50 is the freq responce for the mic?
50-20000k for the mic? not likely. those specs are straight from razor's site:) anyway, if it doesnt say frequency responce x-y (+/- 3db) then its worthless anyway.
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Ok well i have an XFI Xtreme Music, razer blabber on about independant something or other for bass, which is a load of tosh.. the bass is like none existant, go buy some and try them yourself lol.

Ive now got some Sennheiser HD595, which i must say are pretty sweet
shimy182 said:
for those who says razers were ****e.

so the razers arnt bassy? on the spec it says it can go down to 1.5 Hz!!! thats way below audible frequency...
or do you mean its not loud enough?

and isnt it because of your sound cards? i say because it goes against a lot of reviews i read.

ha ha ha. What rot. I think razor are inflating the figures, just a little mind.
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