Special Constabulary

Man of Honour
17 Nov 2003
Southampton, UK
Any one here a special? Just wanted to know what the application process is like and overall opinions on your decision.


I was a Special Constable up until about 2002 and I loved it. Back then the recruitment process from what I remember was quite informal compared to the process that the Cheshire Constabulary use now which is more akin to the process for regular officers.
I was a special a number of years ago in Cambridge and the recruitment was a matter of two interviews. The training consisted of 8 x 1 hour sessions as a group, baton, cuffs and spray training and that was it.

"There you go, eight hours training, theres your uniform, go do the job." !!!!

Granted, you always went out with a regular, but 8 hours?!

Loved it though, especially Friday and Saturday nights in town with all the women wanting to talk and get a ride home :D
My dad was a special for 2-3 years, thinking it would boost his chances of becoming a regular. If this is the path you wish to take DON'T do it. My dad kept applying for regular but kept getting rejected. As soon as he quit the specials, he was accepted and passed his training which was at Ryton in Stafford iirc. That was 7 years ago though so the process may have changed.
I joined because I wanted to become a regular but then a successful IT career got in the way, and that was that.

Now after being a house husband for nearly 4 years I am in a fortuneate position to be able to carry on in IT or loose a few pounds and join as a regular.

You will get some people that knock it, the "Hobby Bobbie" brigade. I had all the powers of a regular officer other than driving blue light runs.

I was a part of the team that police all the football matches and I also worked with the same block all the time which earnt me respect with the regular officers.

I would also work full shifts, some specials would work when it was only busy, some when there was nothing going on (Weekends if you get my drift.)

I was lucky enough to be involved in drugs raids, plain clothes operations and being a passenger in an umarked BMW going down the M6 at 120mph giving commentary trying to ca a woman who had stabbed her husband!!
It all flooding back now!

I also had appearances in both the Magistrate and Crown Court.

I was also trusted enough to take other Specials out down the main drag on Friday and Saturday night, high visabilty foot patrol.
This is something I've been thinking about doing for quite a while, as I want to do something different in my spare time, and something constructive. I also want to see if I have what it takes to become a regular.

Only thing is, I work Weds-Sun 2.30-10.30, so I wouldn't be able to get out in the evenings which I would imagine is when they'd want me out the most.
Shotgun_ned said:
Only thing is, I work Weds-Sun 2.30-10.30, so I wouldn't be able to get out in the evenings which I would imagine is when they'd want me out the most.

Crime is a 24 hour thing you will be fine!
Shotgun_ned said:
This is something I've been thinking about doing for quite a while, as I want to do something different in my spare time, and something constructive.

This is pretty much my reason for wanting to join. All I can say is that this application form is interesting...

I applied years ago, was accepted, but then told that there was no budget left for training, so about 25 people were basically told to sod off :)

Was thinking of applying again as I am also a trainee paramedic in the St. Johns Ambulance and enjoy this sort of stuff.

Problem is that I carry quite a bit of personal debt, and have a few defaults against me (Story for another day and another forum). As a result I am not sure if I will pass the financial vetting stage.

If I had a CCJ then it would be a "no no" for six years. I've rang recruitment and they are not too sure either and told me just to fire an application form off anyway and they will review it.

Tbh, not going to bother if it's a definate "no no". Might got on the phone to them again and get a definitive answer.
I thought about this as I thought it would be fun and I've always wanted to be a policeman but without the salaray and crap shifts lol....

What is the pay like for a Special? I checked out on the Grampian police website and it didn't look too hot!
sgx.saint said:
I applied years ago, was accepted, but then told that there was no budget left for training, so about 25 people were basically told to sod off :)

Was thinking of applying again as I am also a trainee paramedic in the St. Johns Ambulance and enjoy this sort of stuff.

Problem is that I carry quite a bit of personal debt, and have a few defaults against me (Story for another day and another forum). As a result I am not sure if I will pass the financial vetting stage.

If I had a CCJ then it would be a "no no" for six years. I've rang recruitment and they are not too sure either and told me just to fire an application form off anyway and they will review it.

Tbh, not going to bother if it's a definate "no no". Might got on the phone to them again and get a definitive answer.

Being a paramedic in my force is deemed a conflict of interests so you might want to watch out for that if you decide to apply.
Docaroo said:
I thought about this as I thought it would be fun and I've always wanted to be a policeman but without the salaray and crap shifts lol....

What is the pay like for a Special? I checked out on the Grampian police website and it didn't look too hot!

it's a volounteer position, so not too hot
however some forces operate a bonus system which i think could get you a couple of grand a year (well they were planning on it anyway, not sure if it's come into force anywhere)
Docaroo said:
I thought about this as I thought it would be fun and I've always wanted to be a policeman but without the salaray and crap shifts lol....

What is the pay like for a Special? I checked out on the Grampian police website and it didn't look too hot!
If I were to consider it I would be doing it in Ab as well. But dealing with some of the people who come out of the Priory or Liquid at 2/3am? Ugh...
Have to say, though, that the police there have always been top notch.
I think anybody who wants to give up their weekends and stand about nicking people, risk getting their noses flattened, and not get paid for it, is mentally ill.
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