Spectacle me a new pair of earphones

27 Dec 2004
I'm currentluy using a pair of sony mdr-ex71's. But the plastic cover has come away in part of the lead. You know what it's like, you wrap them up and they end up in knots :mad:

Can you recommend me some new ones for my birthday :)

I've been looking at these bose ones Are there any others you'd suggest?

Thanks :)
Etymotic ER-6i

I have the Sony EX-70 and then the EX71, they are both decent and would buy them again except for these flaws.

1 - The rubber bits comes off really easily, I've lost all my medium size ones.
2 - The cable in the EX-71 is too frail, it splits after a few month of use, starts with the Y junction and nearest to the connector.

So after those 2 I've decide to go for this about 12 months ago.


They sound better, and the rubber bit is much harder to come loose. They also seal much better. It also come with some foam tips as well so for those who prefer them can use it. It's been 12 months now, cable has not split or showing any signs of splitting. The clip on the cable is really useful, all headphones should have this, clip it to the clothes or Tshirt. They do cost twice as much as the EX71 but I think they've out lasted them, and I think its worth it.
I recently bought a pair of Shure E2c's and they were not cheap. I took them back straight away as I thought they were pony - sound was useless :( really not what I expected. Might try the bose next.

I've had the Fatman Fatphones for ages and think they are brilliant!! Specially for the gym :)
Pretty cheap aswell
I presume we're looking at around £70? In which case shure e3c's are available for about £75 inc shipping.

Don't buy the bose - they're really not very good - look at headfi for reviews.

Remember to get a good fit for good sound quality - try the different tips out.

Stay away from Bose, the company is considered excellent at marketing but without good quality products. Have a look on this website: www.head-fi.org for ideas for earphones...
KPeh said:
Stay away from Bose, the company is considered excellent at marketing but without good quality products. Have a look on this website: www.head-fi.org for ideas for earphones...

What planet you on?? I have many Bose products including the Bose in-ear and there brillaint.. Excellent Quality .. Once you heared them ,.You wouldnt want to move back to other brands....

Enuff Said !.............
I'd also go for some Shure's e3c's, I have the e4c's, but they're way over your budget, but the 3's would serve you well and are very well made.

If you do get the Shure's, just make sure that you fit them properly, using the many different tips to find the best ones, press them right in, to form a seal and they're superb. If you don't fit them properly, they'll sound tinny.
Jay123 said:
What planet you on?? I have many Bose products including the Bose in-ear and there brillaint.. Excellent Quality .. Once you heared them ,.You wouldnt want to move back to other brands....

Enuff Said !.............

unfortunately he is correct, bose are widely regarded as style over substance. No audiophile would ever recommend them.

I can recommend the shure e2c's, very good sound and build quality and come with a decent warranty. The poster that complained was simple not inserting them correctly, like all canal phones, they take a bit of playing about with.
I am quite impressed with my Sennheiser CX300 as far as budget headphones go, £14 delivered. The Shure E3C are widely regarded as the best in your price range though (if it is ~£70)
The poster that complained was simple not inserting them correctly, like all canal phones, they take a bit of playing about with.

I did have them in properly, like you say takes a while to find the right fit. But I just couldnt get on with them for some reason and thought forget it. Although I did like the way the wire went over around your ear.
I think the higher end BOSE equipment is awesome (just check out the demo rooms) but the cheaper stuff probably not so much.
I've had the B&O earphones and these were my favourite for being most comfortable by a mile, could have done with more base though.
The Problem is... most people dont actually know what a bose system sounds like. I sell these at work and there far better sound than denon and yamaha .. so on ... Although the models dont have HDMI as of yet .

If you had a chance to listen to the bose in-ear you'd be amazed

Jay123 said:
If you had a chance to listen to the bose in-ear you'd be amazed


I have, barely better than my cheap Sennheisers. The problem isn't so much sound quality as the poor value for money.
Jay123 said:
The Problem is... most people dont actually know what a bose system sounds like. I sell these at work and there far better sound than denon and yamaha .. so on ... Although the models dont have HDMI as of yet .

If you had a chance to listen to the bose in-ear you'd be amazed


I do, a mate had some in uni. Granted, they sound good for what they are, the tweeters are good and if you place that bassbox well you can't tell where it is coming from. However.........compared the speakers that cost the same they are simply blown away.
Raikiri said:
I am quite impressed with my Sennheiser CX300 as far as budget headphones go, £14 delivered. The Shure E3C are widely regarded as the best in your price range though (if it is ~£70)

Another vote for the CX300s
Phnom_Penh said:
With Er6i's at <£70?

in my opinion. the er6i's are very accurate but i much prefer my ex90's. while not as accurate, they are certainly more fun to listen to and really can get the toes tapping. conversely i found the er6i's to be too light on bass for my tastes :) down to preference but id take the ex90's:)
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