Spectacles Wearers

23 Feb 2004
Looking for some tips on how to best clean specs.

I've tried using fairy washing up liquid, glasses wipes and even a microfiber cloth but the lenses always seem to be smeared. Can you guys offer any advice?
My gf swears by a tiny bit of washing up liquid and drying it with a clean tea towel/dish cloth.

I just use the spray I got in the opticians, or my breath with the microfibre cloth. Although water and tea towel also work for me if the glasses aren't greasy, just grubby.
This is what I use.


Quick squirt on both sides and use a clean microfibre cloth and you'll be smear free. If it starts smearing, it's time to throw the cloth away and get a new one.
My ultra thin glass maui jim peahii, sunnys I clean by rinsing under warm water, add a blob of washing up liquid, rince again very thoroughly, dry with plain quilted bog roll
Unnecessary picture time
Tiny bit of fairly liquid massage over the lens, then rinse off under the tap.

I just shake the water off after. You could buy a hand bellows thing like they use for camera lenses, but I just wave them around like a plonker instead. Imagine a cricket bowling action :p

They end up clean and my hands are soft like your mum's face, with mild green Fairly Liquid.
My ultra thin glass maui jim peahii, sunnys I clean by rinsing under warm water, add a blob of washing up liquid, rince again very thoroughly
+1 - with kitchen roll to pat dry , never got microfibres, they just become dirt carriers themselves.

nose pieces become dirty if you do sport, dismantling & cleaning those is a pain.
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