Spider identification

3 Sep 2012
P town
Just moved house recently, seems to be a different breed of visitors here


luckily was a friendly fella not in a rush.

Should I be looking to move already though?
Compare it to false widow, if its not one of those then you will be ok

kinda looks like some photos of them but most of the ones i seen have larger backs
Looks like a false widow to me. What the hell are you still doing in the house? Get out now!
That is a False Widow. They can bite and it will hurt like a bee sting but they are not dangerous.
That is a False Widow. They can bite and it will hurt like a bee sting but they are not dangerous.
Uh oh

seems they’re the local variant, were a few baby ones too in another room where the window was open

will I get superpowers soon?
I got bit by something on my calf last week and the entire thing flared up for days. Really red, really hot, eventually died down after about 3 days.

Do we have spiders in the UK that can cause big inflammation like that? I was on the verge of visiting the doctor. Not being a big pussy and wanting to strain the NHS however, I held off, you can infer from that that it was obviously pretty bad, but I still held out cos I'm 'ard like that ;)

I can only think it was a spider having a tasty treat as I slept. Unless it was something that got me while mowing the lawn. There had to be some kind of poison in the bite to get such severe inflammation though?
Since the OP is in Valhalla, I'm guessing it's Loki in disguise. Who knows what trick he's up to now?

I got bit by something on my calf last week and the entire thing flared up for days. Really red, really hot, eventually died down after about 3 days.

Do we have spiders in the UK that can cause big inflammation like that? I was on the verge of visiting the doctor. Not being a big pussy and wanting to strain the NHS however, I held off, you can infer from that that it was obviously pretty bad, but I still held out cos I'm 'ard like that ;)

I can only think it was a spider having a tasty treat as I slept. Unless it was something that got me while mowing the lawn. There had to be some kind of poison in the bite to get such severe inflammation though?

In the UK, it probably wasn't a spider. There are a variety of bugs that can bite a person, so why assume it was a spider? You don't know when you were bitten. Or even if you were bitten. The inflammation doesn't prove poison. It might have been a bacterial infection. It might have been an excessive immune response. I'd say there's not enough information to prove the cause.
That thing on the broom is a false widow, quite a small / young one too compared to the ones we have living round the outside of the house.


Several species of uk spider have enough strength to bite us with impact.

Cave Spider, False Widow, Tube Web Spider, House Spider and Woodlouse Spider all can give a nasty bite but reactions seem to be most common from False Widow and Woodlouse Spiders.
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