Spider Population Explosion?

Came in earlier, closed the front door and noticed this fella lurking behind it.

Beer glass and a bit of paper. Hardly any spiders will try and bite you in the UK and even if they did the majority won't pierce the skin.

I can honestly say I've never been bitten and I've handled more than I've had hot dinners.

Hardly think getting the Spider drunk & then writing it a romantic letter will get rid of it. Quite the reverse :p
Getting stupid numbers of the things at the moment, I can't really open many windows right now or they get everywhere. I think it's a combination of this house being unoccupied for 6 months or so before I moved in, and the warm weather causing an explosion of the things.

I would normally just put them outside if I see them, but I have had to start killing them due to the numbers I have, not proud of it, but if I let them live I will just get even more of the blighters!
If you're on about Cellar Spiders https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pholcidae then you're doing it wrong - leave them be and they will take care of house spiders https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tegenaria as they are a natural predator of them.

there was a documentary a while back (might be spider house or something was on bbc i think) where they stuck a woman in a house over night with loads of spiders and i was amazed to see something like the cellar spider which I as an arachnophobia sufferer finds non threatening defeat and almost capture a very big and scary house spider, the house spider barely escaped despite been much bigger.

need a nest of them in my room too keep the scary ones away lol
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