well finnally got round to watching it at the cinema, what a let down.
Opening 10 mins were so cheesey it was untrue, 'I love you" 'I love you more' 'no really I LOVE YOU' my god I thought id walked into the wrong film.
CGI was good but in some places, especally the 1st fight with the goblin it was all so blurred that you couldnt really see what was going on or any deatil in the CGI, maybe it was the crap cinema i was in or maybe a cheap trick to hide the CGI ?
The sat night fever walkin bit was truly cringworthy, sure it was funny, but I dont think it should have been in the film.
I just thought there were to many plots and charecters crammed in to the one film, which ment none of them were given the chance to develope and grow. everything just seemed tacked on for the action scenes
The final battle was great though, managed to claw back some points on that. overall though I didnt think it comes anywhere close to the 1st 2 films, not in the same league, just hope this is a blip and not the begining of the end for a great franchise.