Spiderman 3

Who would you like to see behind the helm of the next? I agree that a change is definately in order, because personally I believe I could have done a better job.
I saw this last night, as I couldnt go originally when it came out

But I loved it, thought it was a great film

I cant see why people would slate it, but I'm not a huge spidey fan, I went to see an action film not a spiderman film

Really was entertaining stuff, and really want to see it again now
Saw this last night. I have to say I enjoyed it. Perhaps this is because I've heard how bad it is from so many people and thus didn't go in with too high expectations.

Like the guy above, I actually wanna see it again and I may do because my sister has expressed an interest in seeing it.

blairw said:
Emo spidey was hilarious, the whole walking down the street thing was brilliant, people take things too seriously if they wernt laughing at that.

S7yl3s said:
That cracked me up for sure I actually thought that was the best part of the film

Totally agree, I loved that bit. :D Can't believe so many people (not here, although I'm sure there probably will be some) took a dislike to it! Stop taing the film so seriously and get a sense of humour!




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Anyone else feel like the alien symbiote idea was ripped off from the Mask? The whole bringing forth the repressed side of his personality and such.
beh said:
Anyone else feel like the alien symbiote idea was ripped off from the Mask? The whole bringing forth the repressed side of his personality and such.

the symbiote was first introduced into the spider man comic in the 1984 series secret wars #8

the mask comic book started in july 1991 and was adapted into the film in 1994

so i think you'll find your statement can not possibly be correct!

(i don't actualy know this stuff i just google/wikipedia'd it)
Didn't think much of Spidey 3 really, though was never a massive fan of the other films.

Some parts got too camp for my liking (the resteraunt scene to name one example)
ca9phoenix said:
the symbiote was first introduced into the spider man comic in the 1984 series secret wars #8

the mask comic book started in july 1991 and was adapted into the film in 1994

so i think you'll find your statement can not possibly be correct!

(i don't actualy know this stuff i just google/wikipedia'd it)
lol, my bad then :o I've never read any of the comics so was going purely off the films.
beh said:
lol, my bad then :o I've never read any of the comics so was going purely off the films.

i only had a hunch (a correct one tho) cos i watched the cartoon years ago and remember venom being in that so presumed (right again) that he as in the comic books. google did the rest lol
beh said:
Anyone else feel like the alien symbiote idea was ripped off from the Mask? The whole bringing forth the repressed side of his personality and such.
This wasn't made clear in the movie but it doesn't bring out any side of his personality. It's an entirely seperate entity which was trying to take control of his body. All the "Dark Spidey" stuff was the symbiotes attempt to take over and Peter Parker choosing not to fight it (to begin with).
10 Things we learned from Spiderman 3

Spiderman 3 is not just all fun and games, you know. Look a bit closer and Sam Raimi and co. are really making very acute social observations about life, love and sand.


1. EMOs are a product of alien symbiosis

2. If you find yourself running from the law, no problem! Just hop over the gate that says ‘DANGER! Particle Physics Experiment in progress’ and you’re in the clear.

3. If your girlfriend is hanging from the roof of a demolished skyscraper, never fear. Nonchalantly take some pictures and introduce yourself to her father, who also doesn’t seem to give a xxxx.

4. Flipping pancakes and listening to vintage dance songs will only lead to adultery.

5. Black is the new red. And alien goo is the new cotton.

6. If you ever find yourself battling a giant sand person and a jagged-toothed photographer alongside your best friend who just tried to kill you, be sure that you and him exchange ‘witty’ banter at every opportunity. “I’m a little busy over here, buddy.” “I’d love to help you, but I’ve got my hands full, buddy” and so on.

7. If you want to kill someone real bad, then go to church and pray and maybe, if you’re lucky, God will provide you with an alien suit made of pure evil.

8. Sufferers of amnesia just can’t help smiling ridiculously and eating ice-cream. Oh life is good when you can’t remember anything.

9. Bad boys eat cookies, drink milk and mimic their lecturers down the phone in a hilarious manner.

10. Is your girlfriend feeling down? No problem, make her feel better by passionately upside-down kissing some really hot chick in front of her.

( taken from http://thecinemattic.com/?p=162# )


BloodWolf said:
does that mean good? :confused:

Sometimes, I think the English language is crying when it is used in the "modern" way of speaking :p

Anyway, I quite enjoyed the film. I really hope the next ones have CARNAGE in them though, as in the comics, Venom and Spiderman need to team up against him. WIll be interesting if they really get in to the super beings like the Beyonder and the like.
actually worse than number 2.waste of time.should have someone like tarintino doing the dark side its to polished commercial.Needed more grime to it.
Wasn't impressed with it to be honest. Seemed even more cheesy that the first two acting wise. Animation was better, it wasn't so obvious that it was CGI. Story didn't do much for me and how could peter Parker be so naive and arrogant at the same time :confused:

Panzerbjorn said:
Wasn't impressed with it to be honest. Seemed even more cheesy that the first two acting wise. Animation was better, it wasn't so obvious that it was CGI. Story didn't do much for me and how could peter Parker be so naive and arrogant at the same time :confused:


yea, i wasn't too impressed either... could have been better on the storyline...
well finnally got round to watching it at the cinema, what a let down.

Gutted :(

Opening 10 mins were so cheesey it was untrue, 'I love you" 'I love you more' 'no really I LOVE YOU' my god I thought id walked into the wrong film.

CGI was good but in some places, especally the 1st fight with the goblin it was all so blurred that you couldnt really see what was going on or any deatil in the CGI, maybe it was the crap cinema i was in or maybe a cheap trick to hide the CGI ?

The sat night fever walkin bit was truly cringworthy, sure it was funny, but I dont think it should have been in the film.

I just thought there were to many plots and charecters crammed in to the one film, which ment none of them were given the chance to develope and grow. everything just seemed tacked on for the action scenes

The final battle was great though, managed to claw back some points on that. overall though I didnt think it comes anywhere close to the 1st 2 films, not in the same league, just hope this is a blip and not the begining of the end for a great franchise.
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