Spiderman 3

Watched it today and quite enjoyed it. I've never been a comic reader so my panties don't get all bunched up over following canon. It had some odd scenes, (mainly involving MJ) and Maguire really is a **** actor but I think it's a reasonable addition to the series, not as good as the previous ones but the Sandman and Venom were excellent villains. I don't go to these films expecting oscar winning acting or deep sub plots, it's all about the action. 7/10
great movie and the numbers prove it. $148 million over the weekend in the US box office. Breaking records for spider-man 2 and all sorts like pirates of the carribean.
I saw it at a 11.30pm scrrening on friday, and thought it was good, but nothing special. There were some truly great moments in there but as a whole it didn't play out right. Its almost as if there were two really good movies shoehorned together to make one average one.

SM3 should have introduced eddie brock (though not venom), developed the new goblin as a bad guy, and have the sandman as the main villan. End the film with the sandman being defeated by water (as happens halfway through sm3) and new goblin being injured/stopped but not killed, and Have mary jane leave peter toward the end.

Then for SM4 introduce the Venom Symbiote, have sandman re-emerge, and form an alliance, then have Spidey and new goblin team up.

The only thing I actually disliked about the film was killing off harry - he'd only just become an interesting character. Also there didn't seem to be a reason why sandman suddenly stopped fighting and asked for forgiveness.
OneWingedAngel said:
I saw it at a 11.30pm scrrening on friday, and thought it was good, but nothing special. There were some truly great moments in there but as a whole it didn't play out right. Its almost as if there were two really good movies shoehorned together to make one average one.

SM3 should have introduced eddie brock (though not venom), developed the new goblin as a bad guy, and have the sandman as the main villan. End the film with the sandman being defeated by water (as happens halfway through sm3) and new goblin being injured/stopped but not killed, and Have mary jane leave peter toward the end.

Then for SM4 introduce the Venom Symbiote, have sandman re-emerge, and form an alliance, then have Spidey and new goblin team up.

The only thing I actually disliked about the film was killing off harry - he'd only just become an interesting character. Also there didn't seem to be a reason why sandman suddenly stopped fighting and asked for forgiveness.

More or less my view.

The fight sceans (and this counts for all the films) needed more spiderman smack talk. As already stated, spidey fights were full of trash talk.

PP was a introverted nerd, practically scared of his own shadow. He was scrawny and socially inept. After being bitten by the spider he did gain more confidence in himself but this really progressed as he got older and moved on in life. IIRC during high school and the beginning of College he was a loser. However as I said he did grow in confidence over time.

IMO Toby Mcguire was picked for the part, because Toby Mcguire is how the director/producers see PP.

I cant believe Stan Lee ****** showed up in this film and effectively gave it the seal of approval. It was a complete bastardization of the comic which imo are classics.

Oh and whoever said the Venom defeat was lame. You really do not know your spiderman. Thats more or less how it happened in the comics. Venoms only weakness was high frequency sound.

Edit: One of the biggest limitations (and lack of foresight by the director) is the lack of mechanical web spinners. This completely limits Spidermans fights. Spiderman used to change his web cartridges to suit his enemy. So water might be user, IIRC gellitine was used against a water based enemy. a concrete/water solution could have been used against sandman to turn him into cement.
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Wow i didnt think it was possible to get it wrong on this scale. Half of the film shouldnt have been in the film, there were sooo many WTFs!!! Really dissappointed!
No way is the film as bad as people here make it out... Id say its on par with the other 2 films. Spiderman films are fun but not classic great films. They are what they are.

I enjoyed it and there are many worse films about!
well after watching this last night, id definately say its not as good as the other 2, the fight scenes are good , dont get me wrong, its just very slow paced this time round, too much mushy stuff.
Vegetarian said:
No way is the film as bad as people here make it out... Id say its on par with the other 2 films. Spiderman films are fun but not classic great films. They are what they are.

I enjoyed it and there are many worse films about!

Yeah but but but but don't you think the CGI was a bit out in the first and third action scenes? I could have sworn I saw a bit of colouring wrong. I also thought he shouldn't have smiled about one hour in and when he cried about two hours in - it really ruined it for me. I didn't like her dress either so I'm afraid its a 2/10 for me.
Who the hell decided to have Spiderman appear just in time for the last fight in front of a huge American flag?
The entire cinema went "ooooh, laaame" and covered their eyes.
Whats more annoying than the film actually being rather dissappointing is that it has smashed all records at the Box Office :mad:
Highest grossing wkend opening ever at $148million (beating lasts years record from Dead Mans Chest) - to me this film does not warrant this kind of achievement!!
Plus in total since it has been released (not even a week) it has grossed $375million worldwide lol :eek: - film cost a huge $258 but thats going to be peanuts considering how much it has already earnt!
Oh well
El Gringo said:
Who the hell decided to have Spiderman appear just in time for the last fight in front of a huge American flag?
The entire cinema went "ooooh, laaame" and covered their eyes.
There were a few corny bits in the film, that being one of them :p

And why is it so surprising about grossing the highest amount of money? You have to pay to see it and most people don't know if it will be good or bad before they go.
Overall I enjoyed the film, however I thought that the way they introduced Venom into the story was a bit contrived.

I mean, cmon, a meterotie lands feet away from Peter Parkers scooter and the black ooze latches onto it...I reckon they should have used JJs astronaut son, (as seen in Spiderman2) going into space and the symbiote latching onto the shuttle. Venom deserved a movie of its own tbh. Ah well, ill still look forward to Spidey 4 (5 and 6 as well!)
I thought it was a poor film with too much going on and some really random scenes. I absolutley love the first two films so this was a big disspointment.
electric ant said:
Overall I enjoyed the film, however I thought that the way they introduced Venom into the story was a bit contrived.

I mean, cmon, a meterotie lands feet away from Peter Parkers scooter and the black ooze latches onto it...I reckon they should have used JJs astronaut son, (as seen in Spiderman2) going into space and the symbiote latching onto the shuttle. Venom deserved a movie of its own tbh. Ah well, ill still look forward to Spidey 4 (5 and 6 as well!)
At least it would have been closer to the comics that way :)

I think the director only put Venom in to please the fans, and so didn't care how he did it, so long as he DID it. Saddenning.
It was quite good, probably a 7/10 for me. Some bits were uber boring and I really wanted it to finish so I could go but apart from that it was worth the money.
Watched this today, it was ok but nothing amazing. Found pretty much the whole romance thing boring and it needed more action for a 2 and a bit hour film. Though they could have made more of the black spiderman dude.
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