Spilt Pepsi near my laptop

2 Jul 2021
United Kingdom
Hi everyone, I'm feeling very stupid after knocking over a glass of Pepsi next to my laptop. Thankfully it was on a cooling pad so didn't get soaked, in fact the only bit of Pepsi I can see was a splash the size of my small finger nail on the encasing next to the air vent. I blotted it straight away and left it for 24 hours. You can't smell anything, can't see anything but I'm worried about what damage this could do.

I have accidental coverage protection for the laptop, but there's no fault with the laptop so ASUS most likely won't accept a claim, plus it seems silly to send off a laptop when all the tests come back fine. I could always claim if and when the laptop does fail.

Should I pay a local IT company to look at it?

I'm a bit of a noob when it comes to these things and am not sure of the risks and what to do. Any advice appreciated. Thanks!
So near the laptop but not on the laptop? Is it sticky?
Next to the laptop but not on the laptop, that’s correct. Just a very small splash onto the enclosure of the air vent on the side which I wiped off immediately. No stickiness anywhere.
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Next to the laptop but not on the laptop, that’s correct. Just a very small splash onto the enclosure of the air vent on the side which I wiped off immediately. No stickiness anywhere.
If I were you I'd be playing the long game, ignore it and wait to see if you notice a sticky bit.
First off, don't feel foolish for asking; it's better to be sure. Second, was the spill near where air comes out or where air gets sucked in? If the former you really don't need to worry as air pressure will have saved you; if the latter you should keep a careful eye on your laptop. If you feel comfortable then open it up and have a look
Wouldn't worry about it at all. If it's going to have issues, it'll have shown them straight away :)
Thank you for your help.
Everyone’s laptop should be a bit sticky.. if not they aren’t using the interweb as it was intended :cry:
Haha lol, thank you!
Next to your laptop, not on your laptop therefore it will be fine.

The fan won't go sucking pepsi up for a drink so no need to worry.
Cheers, glad it won't go sucking it up for a drink, was a bit worried!
It'll be fine, forget about it.
Cheers, will do.
First off, don't feel foolish for asking; it's better to be sure. Second, was the spill near where air comes out or where air gets sucked in? If the former you really don't need to worry as air pressure will have saved you; if the latter you should keep a careful eye on your laptop. If you feel comfortable then open it up and have a look
Hey, cheers - means a lot for your advice. The spill was on the desk and the laptop was on a cooling pad - the splash was quite far up the laptop on the encasing to the air vent, which is the highest point, so it was definitely a splash or the rest of the laptop lower down on the left hand-side would've been soaked. According to the manual it's both - there's one on either side of the laptop just below the display, it allows 'cool air to enter and warm air to exit'.
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Is no one going to think of the poor innocent Pepsi? I hope it was one of the *relatively* naff ones at least like bog standard diet Pepsi, and not Pepsi Max :(
Sounds like it missed.

Spilt 7up on a laptop in the past,on the keyboard. A few months later was having problems with it over heating. When I opened it up found it was sticky which meant all the dust stuck to it blocking the heatsinks and fans. Had to take it apart and do a deep clean. Replace the keyboard etc.
Is no one going to think of the poor innocent Pepsi? I hope it was one of the *relatively* naff ones at least like bog standard diet Pepsi, and not Pepsi Max :(
Haha it was Pepsi Max, which actually I’ve read online doesn’t become sticky because it has no sugar in it.
Sounds like it missed.

Spilt 7up on a laptop in the past,on the keyboard. A few months later was having problems with it over heating. When I opened it up found it was sticky which meant all the dust stuck to it blocking the heatsinks and fans. Had to take it apart and do a deep clean. Replace the keyboard etc.
Thanks! Ahh no, that’s not good. I’m worried about something like that with the air vent, but it was literally just a splash and it was Pepsi Max which doesn’t go sticky.
Dang it, just got a BSOD 'non paged area' what does that mean? I can't believe a BSOD of that nature will be related to the splash on the vent that I blotted up immediately?
Dang it, just got a BSOD 'non paged area' what does that mean?

How comfortable do you feel about opening the case? At this point, I really think you should look for liquid damage. Look near the vent, obviously. To clean any corrosion found you will need isopropyl alcohol and a toothbrush.

Look up the Adamant IT channel on YouTube for instructions and advice.
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