Hmm seeing a replay now, probably Squilacci's fault, not quite sure, Koscielny has a habbit of doing something stupid, ending up off the pitch and Arsenal ending up losing a goal though. Djourou looks ruddy ruddy awful though, that second simple throughball, other than ignoring the run he then hesitates rather than runs after him sticking his hand up and praying, Gallas would run after, maybe with his hand up, destroy the striker, then see if its an offside.
Nasri's goal looks really good but I can't help thinking had the Fulham players not thrown themselves to the floor it would have been easy to save and Nasri/Arsenal's usual reluctance to hit it first time really should have cost us that goal.
Typical Arsenal, typical Wenger, our defence is a mess, and has been for years, I guess we need to get Wally Downes in to sort out the defence.
The thing thats so mad is, there really isn't the slightest hint of improvement under Wenger in 5 years, same old same old, different personel, same problems, which suggests the problem is the manager, or the guy choosing the same not good enough personel time and time again.
YOu still get the feeling Fergie is laughing over a bottle of wine that he managed to sell us Silvestre.
EDIT:- I really think Wengers going to leave in 3-4 years, or finally get fired, and when he does he'll have really a very average record for the club, IE best part of 16-17 years at Arsenal, 3 league titles few cups, and one european final, that looked great in 7-8 years, but is already looking far less good, and in another few years will look meh.
He can leave as a great manager, just, if he goes now, and lets be honest, he's not going to change his simply not working philosphy in the next few years. Leaves now of his own accord with a good record, or gets fired in a few years, with a meh record.