Spun the car today

So what can you do to prevent this lift off oversteer? Just do all your breaking before hand and the accelerate through the corner?
What do you do if your understeering into a corner then?
-Mic- said:
So what can you do to prevent this lift off oversteer?

Don't life off in corners? If you feel the car losing balance apply to light throttle to balance the car out... better than just throttling off totally and losing the back end?

Best thing to do is get the entry speed into the corner right, but it's all very well saying that when you are already half way around :)
The thing is that you don't have to lift off completely - I just backed off a little. I heard that if it starts oversteering (in a FWD car) you should quickly and gently increase the throttle to pull it back into line (never done this - was advised after my crash)
I turned into a junction yesterday, and the road was unbeliveably slippy. I assume there must have been somthing on the road, as the back end swung a good 45 degrees out of line.
i used to provoke lift off over steer in my mini and i can in the corsa. my nova would not slide the back end out at all. unless you left foot braked wich i enjoyed. lol
but the mini and the corsa slowly slide out i have never had it snap out uncontrolably but then i have only ever done it when provoked maybe becous ei just know how to provoke it so iknow how not to let it happen if i dont want it to. i say the best thing you could do is go into a big wet carpark and experiment with lift off oversteer. but thats iligal so dont listen to me. i sya i am a better driver for it.
ajgoodfellow said:
I heard that if it starts oversteering (in a FWD car) you should quickly and gently increase the throttle to pull it back into line (never done this - was advised after my crash)

Yeah, you're supposed to accelerate to pull the back in line.

Slow in. Fast out.
peter this wont be the best explination becouse. well i suck at explaining but i want to give ti a go.
understeer is were you turn and the car goes straight on, despite the front wheels pointing sideways.
over steer is when the back end slides out in iether direction but the fron wheels stillkeep all there grip.

both can be provoked/prevented by waight shifting, if theres more waight at the front then the rear wheels will want to break loose, and if theres more at the back the front will want to let go, by letting on and off the throttle moves the waight of the car around, when you go into a corner then let off the throttle all the waight is thrown to the front of thd car verry quickly and so the back end breaks free and thats how it happens, you catch it by more throttle. and you prevent it all together by being smooth let off slowly, brake slowly, dont brake while your turning. the best thing to do is to practice imo, you could read about how to drive for year and years but one days expeeriance behind the wheel is worth more.
anyone feel free to corect me if i am wrong, but i am right:P
Well, understeer is where you've got too much speed going into a corner, and not enough traction so the cars leans to the outside of the corner, i.e. the car drifts outwards...

Oversteer is where you're taking a corner at a reasonable speed, and decide to lift off the accelerator thus shifting the weight over the front of the car, creating lots of traction on the front wheels and none on the back.. If done well, it gives a great :D but if mis-judged, as mentioned here, the back of the car goes into a spin.
ci_newman said:
Well, understeer is where you've got too much speed going into a corner, and not enough traction so the cars leans to the outside of the corner,
unless you have active suspension,and even then it'd need to be setup VERY aggresively,then all cars lean to the outside of the corner.
infact i can't think of anything else that does...boats/planes/bikes etc ALL lean in.
The_Dark_Side said:
unless you have active suspension,and even then it'd need to be setup VERY aggresively,then all cars lean to the outside of the corner.
infact i can't think of anything else that does...boats/planes/bikes etc ALL lean in.

Hi mate, this is off topic, but I can't help but notice you don't use a space after commas or full stops and it's really annoying!!

In this particular situation, this is what happened:

A corner was approached, assuming that (as he was on the roads) he was throttle neutral - he was neither accelerating nor decelerating. As the OP doesnt state it, I am going to assume that it was a constant radius turn.

As he executed the turn he lost velocity, transferring weight to the front wheels. This, combined with the lower traction offered by the wet road the front wheels started to slip. This is understeer. His reaction to that was "woah <lift off the throttle>".

This didnt help the situation as it transfers even more weight to the front of the car. There is now two things going on: 1) The front wheels have no grip because they have been pushed beyond the limit of friction and 2) The rear wheels have lessened traction because there isnt as much weight on them (its all over the front wheels) and so they now break traction. The back end of the car still has forward momentum but thanks to what is going on at the front, the momentum has now carried the rear end sideways. This is called oversteer.

Most cars are set up to understeer first (and usually shockingly early) as it is "safer" than understeer. Unfortunately if you meet understeer and you dont really know what you are doing you either hit the outside of the bend, hit oncoming traffic or get massive oversteer. Unless you are trying to provoke it, if you get oversteer in this fashion and havnt learnt how to deal with it you either get lucky or you spin out. Thats what happened to the OP.

In a RWD car, its a slightly different kettle of fish though!
Enfield said:
Hi mate, this is off topic, but I can't help but notice you don't use a space after commas or full stops and it's really annoying!!
it provokes people,hence your post.
you don't really think i'm doing it by accident or lack of understanding do you?,especially after more than one member has pointed it out?
mission accomplished ;)

there's a similar reason i always spell "Ridiculous" as "ridiculous" that i won't go into.

anyway,you were polite in pointing it out so,in a nutshell thanks mate but i know what i'm doing :)
^ Why don't you use capitals then, for the same effect? Seems a little pointless to me :p
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