Wow. She's even more annoying when dubbed.
Hugely. The dubbing is absolutely awful, and it completely takes away the great performances from some of the Korean actors. I was ready to turn it off for good after 2 episodes but then found the subtitles (weeks ago before news stories were coming out about the bad English dubbing).
It would be interesting to know if those here that said the acting is bad were all watching the dubbed version.
In the English dub, that crazy bint calls the gangster “old man”. What she’s actually calling him is “daddy”. Another very different meaning considering their relationship and bathroom antics.
Great performances? Maybe if you're a fan of pantomime acting. I was most certainly not watching the dubbed version.
It’s nothing special and was extremely overhyped at the time. It’s worth a watch if you have nothing else to watch or do. Saying that it’s better than a lot of dross TV shows around currently.Never watched it. Is it worth it?
I really enjoyed it. It's better than most of the garbage around at the momentNever watched it. Is it worth it?
Never watched it. Is it worth it?