Cool have a question m8 about the a item from the place you work bud I think you work there the cases place, if you get my meaning but the contact us thread doesnt work can you contact me on trust please.
And what about the high quality modding greetings coolmiester good to see you over here , this chop job makes me want to have a go at something like this some day maybe if I get the urge to actually do a case mod instead of a scratch build .
Unfortunately, its sat in its box since it came back from Germany which does seem a waste of a decent system so i'll more than lightly be selling it but before that i just want to fix something that has bugged me from the get-go...
I got my hands on three Lamptron FC6 Fan Controllers with a red LED display which should look much more in keeping to the rest of the mod rather than the blue/green.
I was hoping that they would drop straight in to the original bezel i made but not a chance so i’ll have to cut a new bezel and have it powder coated to if i haven't got enough to do!
Sorry for the bump but just had to get this sorted
Just putting the finishing touches to the new bezel to hold the red Lamptron FC6 fan controllers and will have finished pictures up by the deadline for the Coolermaster Comp on the 15th
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