Since 2009 I've had about 10 SSD's, of those 5 have either failed completely or suddenly lost data, the makes involved were Kingston, Crucial and even Samsung. Most reliable were Samsung Pro's or Samsung 830's.
In comparison had however maybe 50+ HDD's, and only 1 HDD ever failed.
It's true hardware can fail at any moment, however I've been involved with computers many many years, and my last hardware to fail (other then an SSD) was an Abit motherboard running a Celeron 3! The issue rate on my SSD's is by far abnormally high, and yes I have a house full of computers, I even have a home server room, and those SSD's gave issues on different machines.
In comparison had however maybe 50+ HDD's, and only 1 HDD ever failed.
It's true hardware can fail at any moment, however I've been involved with computers many many years, and my last hardware to fail (other then an SSD) was an Abit motherboard running a Celeron 3! The issue rate on my SSD's is by far abnormally high, and yes I have a house full of computers, I even have a home server room, and those SSD's gave issues on different machines.
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