Stalker vs. Fallout 3

Fallout 3 feels more bleak and immersive to me than Stalker. Though I loathed Stalker so I could be a bit biased! :p
i always found the stalker games boring and empty the worlds dont feel alive but there not suposed to seeing as where its set...

i just didnt find exploring or the games stories intresting at all, the game has some really well detailed textures and looks pretty fantastic maxed out with mods.

used tons of video memory and only managed 25-30fps though ^_^
without mods it runs really well and still looks quite good

fallout 3 /New vegas on the other hand feel much more alive and the world is more intresting to explore
Whatever you play don't neglect STALKER, best atmosphere ever in a game :)

i always found the stalker games boring and empty the worlds dont feel alive but there not suposed to seeing as where its set...

i just didnt find exploring or the games stories intresting at all, the game has some really well detailed textures and looks pretty fantastic maxed out with mods.

used tons of video memory and only managed 25-30fps though ^_^
without mods it runs really well and still looks quite good

fallout 3 /New vegas on the other hand feel much more alive and the world is more intresting to explore

I think of this as a feature, to set the feeling how desolate and empty "The Zone" is :)

Althought I do kind of agree with you, the side quests could have been more interesting rather than the standard "Go and kill X amount of X" or "Bring me back this thing" :)
I tried Stalker once and omg this game was super difficult for me even on EASY, I liked the gfx etc but I kept getting killed so I gave up.
Stalker, although I've never bothered to complete any of the games - I have enjoyed playing them. Fallout 3 I didn't really get on with for some reason.
Agreed, they're not really comparable, but I've got to put a vote in for Fallout 3.

Stalker was interesting for a very short while until I found it empty and uninteresting, whereas Fallout has me wandering about for dozens of hours discovering side missions and just looking around at all the stuff put in there.
Fallout 3 was decent, enjoyed most of it. I found stalker really tough going, seems Im pretty bad at it. might try it with the mods though. Anybody got any tips for me?
Its very very close but STALKER pips it. Simply because the atmosphere they create is the best of any game i've ever played and its a very very challenging game, the ballistics and the way the weapons work in the game is brilliant

I'm a massive fan of Fall Out though, loving New Vegas at the minute and its a little more open than STALKER, STALKER is a fair bit more linear its very hard to pick a favourite but just on atmosphere STALKER wins, nothing like walking up to a building and wondering what waits for you inside
Its very very close but STALKER pips it. Simply because the atmosphere they create is the best of any game i've ever played and its a very very challenging game, the ballistics and the way the weapons work in the game is brilliant

I'm a massive fan of Fall Out though, loving New Vegas at the minute and its a little more open than STALKER, STALKER is a fair bit more linear its very hard to pick a favourite but just on atmosphere STALKER wins, nothing like walking up to a building and wondering what waits for you inside

usually a bunch of empty rooms and nothing else... where as in fallout your likely to find computers with messages on them , maybe a few quests :p
STALKER is much more minimalist than Fallout 3, but has a fantastic stark atmosphere. The underground sections in the first are very very scary.

Fallout 3 has much more content, but I think overdoes the broken down and rusting aspect of the wastelands. It's been over 200 years since the war, and normal people are still living in rubbish strewn patchwork buildings? Doesn't make sense really.
If you're a fan of simulation like gameplay, then Stalker (either the 3rd or 1st in that order, skip the 2nd) as it's very hard going and very much a survival FPS.

If you want more (funny) content and overall a rounded experience, then Fallout 3/New Vegas.

Both are decent games, but as others have said, very different. The majority of people will probably like Fallout 3 more as it's far more accessible.
I preferred (more game hours played) Fallout 3. As has been said more accessible/fun. My interest in Stalker waned quickly.
I just bought Fallout 3 GOTY, its epic. I'm completly hooked. I've always played fps games and the intergration of fps into an rpg is spot on. Never played stalker though. Been meaning to pick it up on the cheap.
Stalker with mods is fantastic, not much of an RPG at all but great atmospheric shooter.

Fallout 3 is decent, but I think its over hyped. It just seems weak in comparison to its prequels - which is something I can never get out of my head whenever I try to play it. What some people see as 'accessible and fun' I see as dumbed down and mediocre. That said, its still not a bad game, its just not great.
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