Star Trek Online

Man of Honour
21 Nov 2004

Official site -

Federation ship chart -

Klingon ship chart -

***Join the OcUK fleet - "Full Impulse"***
- Post in this thread if you want an invite
- We are a casual, friendly fleet - no drama here :)

***Join the OcUK private in-game chat channel***
- To do this when in-game, go to chat settings (bottom right of your chat window there is a menu), go to the channels tab at the top, type OcUK and after a few seconds the create button will change to JOIN. Click it!
- This channel will allow us to talk amongst ourselves and ask/answer questions regardless of the zone/instance that you are in :)

***OcUK players (<Captain name>@username)*** - post yours here to be added to the list!
- Friends can be added by going to and inserting the @username into the "Add Friend" box.
[B][COLOR="DarkOrange"]OcUK name[/COLOR][/B]                [B][COLOR="DarkOrange"]STO @handle[/COLOR][/B]            [B][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Captain[/COLOR][/B]              [B][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Starship[/COLOR][/B]
Captainrave              @captainrave           Antero               U.S.S. Silver Star
VaderDSL                 @NDawn                 Muv                  U.S.S. Manchester
flibby                   @flibby                Enka                 U.S.S. Lucrecia 
greeny_fastcar           @CDGreen               Adriana
EvilGrin                 @Jarakin  
BlizzardX                @Benoire               Solomon Taher        U.S.S. Karoki
duc999                   @GaryO
Frenzy                   @creomortis 
TheMightyTen             @WardenRed 
Eva01                    @Bennehmaru 
gord                     @g0rd 
Pyroblaze                @KabaalGen 
nikebee                  @nikebee
Gackt                    @Scilarion
Daniee                   @danieed               Niselay              U.S.S. Pancakes
Swifty55                 @Swiftels              Swift                U.S.S. ESIRPRETNE-i/ii/iii
spudbynight              @spudbynight 
perry081064              @Hiaaw 
Casdawer                 @Casdawer
atpbx                    @atpbx                 atpbx
Cozman                   @CozzyUK
Turambar                 @Garec
WotDa                    @Jazazze
rippling                 @rippling
Venares                  @Venares 
ItchyTrigg               @ItchyTrigg            Mal
nIckEl101                @nickel101             Jok
pzr vr6                  @neil_armstrong
TimBrad                  @TimBrad
Corkhead                 @alphabeta765
jamief                   @jamief00
.:MBK:.                  @-MBK-
Ewanb75                  @Ewanb75
DragonWoLf               @XceptOneAlpha 
Barno                    @-B-
[YG]Bug-Eyed             @Isenduil 
Furbs                    @Tom0r                 Tomor                U.S.S. Avenger 
Geralt                   @Reppyboyo
West                     @West9                 Sam Westley          U.S.S. Cooper 
Moley                    @jamiemoles            Clay                 U.S.S. Roanoke
matty114                                                             U.S.S. Manchester Utd
Silent-Lucidity          @silent-lucidity       Txiven
G-Man                    @Kaput 
cutchy2k                 @Flyheit 
Cozman                                          Cozzy Wozzy          U.S.S. Grey Dove
speeduk                  @speeduk69             Jadzia
badgeruk                 @killerog              Raven
Huddy                    @huddy                 Tahna
JGBR                     @JGBR                  James Fisher
KnightStalker            @Viluxia               Viluxia              U.S.S. Phalanx-71 
Cavallino                @_Cavallino_           Issac
No1newts                 @Cmndr_Newts           Jerod
No1newts                 @Cmndr_Newts           Arisha Dral
andshrew                 @andshrew              Andshrew
wozencl                  @neomarxist            Alane
john_s                   @john_0974             John
woppy101                 @woppy101              Woppy
_Andyh_                  @Andyh                 Lokai
sniffy                   @Sniffy_               Sniffy
ffallic                  @eyetrip               Simos
ffallic                  @buzz999               Dapos
NeoReloaded              @NeoReloaded           NeoReloaded
Yetiii                   @YetiiiUK              YetiiiUK
Mr Roper                 @MrRoper               Roper
139sroberts              @139sroberts           Kirk
Windle                   @Captain_Windle        Moose                U.S.S. Gary
jahujames                @JahuJames             Jahu
mart981                  @Rokit                 Book                 U.S.S. Rokit
Monkeymatt               @Bethelill             Price
EDDS                     @EDDS                  EDDS
EDDS                     @EDDS                  Buffy
iamdjdz                  @Iamdjdz               Iamdjdz              U.S.S. Behemoth
~Divine~Wind~            @J1135                 Odin
hlw86                    @Ashton187             Ashton
ste2005                  @Stevo01               SteveO 
York                     @Soulfishy             Soulfishy
Aegis                    @AegisPrime            Weyland              U.S.S. Aegis
Mp4                      @Mp4                   Gareth
utajoker                 @utajoker              Elis
Oxy                      @craptakular           Nutmos
Luw                      @Luwen                 Luwen
Gezza2008                @Real_Anarchy          Diablos
Landy                    @landy24               landy
theo                     @thop                  Onyxceptable
Thundycat                @thundycat             Thundycat
mcrustk2                 @Will Riker            Hoth
Anon-e-mouse             @Anon-e-mouse          Anon-e-mouse
krisab                   @krisab                SniffBoo
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Didn't know the beta applications where open, just looked now and it appears to be closed -.-

People who ordered 6 month or lifetime subs for Champions Online get access. I am a CO lifer, so at the end of the year get access to the Star Trek Online beta :). Given how many subs have been sold I doubt there will be many free keys being given out for a while!
I'll probably refuse to play it but keep reading forums posts. Eventually, I will read a post which will get me interested (probably whilst in work) and will spend the rest of the day thinking of nothing but getting home and playing it. It will take over my life and I will sing its praises as the next best thing. 2 weeks later I'll uninstall it.
I lost interest in this when they changed from their original idea of having multiple people on a ship. How awesome would it have been if you had a guild ship, where each person fulfilled certain roles. Medic, Chief Engineer, Science Officer, Helmsman etc etc. When they dropped that idea I just lost interest.
actually yeah i agree, as much as i still love the sound of this game now, a guild ship would be awesome. I can see the logic behind the change though,
actually yeah i agree, as much as i still love the sound of this game now, a guild ship would be awesome. I can see the logic behind the change though,

Yeah it would go some thing like this ....

Capt kirk1111...quick sulu999 raise shields we are taking fire from klingons rock guild.

Sulu999.... my mum says i gotta log, cya guys...

Capt kirk1111.... W T F ..... BOOOOOM.
Its a pity though, would have been something really unique. In a way it would be a bit like some FPS games which have multiple players in a vehicle. I've never had one of my gunners in FPS just up and leave mid-fight.

You could also get around that by allowing multi-classing. Lets not forget that Sulu was originally a botanist. So you could have dual classing in the game so that the science officer could also be a qualified helmsman etc... just in case anyone leaves mid fight
hmm liking the idea of that but its true you would just have 1000 bold headed picards on just one ship.... or even better a ship full of datas :)

It just wouldnt work
hmm liking the idea of that but its true you would just have 1000 bold headed picards on just one ship.... or even better a ship full of datas :)

It just wouldnt work

Could make it so that a guild could only have x number of each class, dependant on the size of the guild. So, say a guild of 40 players would be allowed a maximum of 4 of a class within the guild. 50, a maximum of 5 etc etc.

Then make the dual classing based on a primary class and a secondary class. So you might have primary class - Science Officer, secondary class - Helmsman. The primary class being the ones counting toward the quota.

Then some kind of bonus if you are using a primary class at its relevant station and/or penalty if its being operated by someone with it as their secondary class.

I'm sure with all the talented game designers in the world theres a way it could be done if they would just be willing to think outside the MMO box.
Is this just going to be full of fighting in ships and fighting on ground? If so it's not really interesting to me.

If federation can't attack federation, And so on. Then maybe, And if there are federation planets and zones, and klingon planets and zone, etc. Like in the Series, it'll be more fun.

But another boring online fighting game will be disappointing, as that's not what star trek is about. I want exploration! with maybe some fighting.

Also does anyone know if the Borg on this are AI controlled? As I'd prefer it that way to be honest.
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