Star Trek Online

Morning guys!

Just venturing into the PC Games section for the first time in years as I fancy a play with STO. I've never played an MMO before so it's piqued my interest.

I have a concern though. Since my PC gaming days I've moved to Macs, with my main machine being a Macbook. The GPU is an Nvidia 9400M and to be honest, I've absolutely no idea how well STO will run on it. Is there a demo I'm missing that I can try?

I've just tried the first demo I could get my hands on through Steam and that was FEAR 2. It ran fairly well as long as I used the Macbook's screen and not my 24in monitor.

Thoughts? I don't want to fire up the old PC (which would need a new HDD and GFX card anyway) for a game I don't know I'm going to like. In the same vain, I don't want to spend the cash if it isn't going to run!

Ahh, now I remember why I did away with PC gaming :(

Thanks muchly people.

/epic post
Hi all!,

Well finally managed to install and have a play for a few hours before the servers go down. Have to say im enjoying it but was hoping that the space fighting would be more in depth etc was probs just me (can you target specific areas of enemy ships?) other than that im at the Earth space port atm just looking about and reading up on skill points and whatnot :)

There is more depth later on e.g. end game I think I have about 18 skills - most of which I have to use when fighting the Borg and Undine - they are tough!
I have been neglecting this recently :( only just got to commander but I have WoW and AvP and BC2 to play argh!!

Least I have a lifetime to play this, so please don't kick me from the fleet for inactivity :D
The guild I was going to join, but didnt as I cancelled my pre oder have all walked away, few of them have lifetime subs as well, and they had been in it since very early beta.
The game is definitely in need of some additional content and some with more depth. It is repititive and average in almost every respect therefore I would agree that in it's current state a score of 5/10 is about right.

I am stil enjoying it and there is enough Star Trek in there to keep me occupied for the time being but a month or two down the line I can see me tiring of it completely unless there are some radical changes.
Not an amazing list of fixes - the fire all weapons bug is really annoying. Oh well, hopefully there is word on end-game content soon. At least with my lifetime sub if things get stale I can come back in a few months. Hmm, getting bored of pc gaming anyway - e.g. Mass Effect 2 was epic, but got bored immediatly on my second run through.
Giving up on this not going to sub and line Cryptic's pockets as the game stands.

My problems are the same as all the other negative comments already posted in this thread so I won't repeat. Mediocre is the word I would use.

Fleet was great, maybe speak to you guys in the future!

when i get to lt cmd should i get an escort or the new cruiser ?

can you change back further down th eline ?

Escort = dps dealer
Cruiser = tank
Sceince = buffs/debuffs and arguably a better tank

Yes, you can change down the line - all ships can tb bought, you just get a free ticket for one when you level up. Just be careful where you spend your skill points - perhaps try the ships before you spend your skill points!

Wow thats a nice message to have everytime you log in. :rolleyes:

Bug? Or do you need to update?

Edit: I seem to have sold a load on the exchange again overnight - seems I need to farm more this evening :). 13 mil in the bank now I think.
Escort = dps dealer
Cruiser = tank
Sceince = buffs/debuffs and arguably a better tank

Yes, you can change down the line - all ships can tb bought, you just get a free ticket for one when you level up. Just be careful where you spend your skill points - perhaps try the ships before you spend your skill points!

yeah i wasted a **** load of points thats why im doing it again
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