Star Trek: Picard

30 Sep 2005
Now only a few months away, surely we can start chatting/speculating

Set in the year 2399, the first season will be the last time we get to see the 24th Century


Uniforms are interesting


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Excited but weary. The hope in me hopes that Stewart wouldn't sign up to do some shoddy show but the cynic in me wonders if he has bills to pay :p.
Excited but weary. The hope in me hopes that Stewart wouldn't sign up to do some shoddy show but the cynic in me wonders if he has bills to pay :p.

I did read something from the writers saying there was no comedy and would be much darker.....interesting

Sounds to me like Picard has lot the plot poor sod
There have been rumours that Picard is in trouble as Netflix and all the merchandisers walked away, and then walked away again after changes were made to try and entice them to pay for licencing/distributions. Without Netflix money for Picard, Discovery might not get made either.

If I was in charge of Netflix and/or Amazon I wouldn't buy the Picard show off of the same people that made Discovery. Discovery is a total mess of a show, I couldn't make it past ep2 or 3 of season 2 - I only watched the start of season 2 as I heard that they made big changes - the changes they made made it worse.

It would be best for Discovery to be cancelled at this point, the writers have proved beyond a doubt that they can't write their way out of a paper bag! They are still in the middle of getting sued by a game developer because they stole the tardigrade part of the story/travel among other things.
Looking forward to this, but for the love of god I hope they have better writers. Discovery has been a bit of a flop.
Everyones forgotten about him over the last 20 years lol

Lol. Funny. But makes so sense. Applying for StarFleet and not knowing Picard. Assuming the guy is a cadet.

I really hope they don’t write in silly cast like Tilly from Discovery. Horrible writing and character. Cheesy as hell.

Little trailer is out :)

2nd Trailer:

What we know:
- It's set 20 years after the events of Star Trek:Nemesis
- Picard was promoted to Admiral before leaving Star Fleet
- The destruction of Romulus plays a part (so the events of the films set in the kelvin timeline are included)
- The plot revolves around a mystery girl who contacts Picard. We don't know much about her, other than her being important enough to coax Picard away from his retired lifestyle and back to the skies.
- Jonathan Frakes is onboard to direct a couple of episodes. This is great, he's directed some of the best episodes of both ST: Discovery and The Orville.

Confirmed returning characters:
- Data (B-4)
- 7 of 9
- Riker and Troi

.. I'm veeery much looking forward to this :)
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