Star Trek : Strange New Worlds

Over all though it was a fab episode and am so glad they seem to be sticking to the episodic format which works so much better.

A few niggles yes but over all its the most Trek feeling of any of the recent live action efforts.
The most boring one yet. I drifted in and out of watching it.

Covid strikes and all the women run the space ship.

No.1 carries a pair of false legs.

Seems Pike takes a backseat now. I wonder how many more episodes will be the No.1 show?

The Dr has a nauseating ill child he is hiding
There is no season arc, so each episode is its own - I didn't see it as filler.

Transporter guy - he's been through the blander, nothing to him at all :(

Rubbish girl on girl fight - could have been much better - nom!

M'Benga - struggle to understand him. Dr, transporter guy, security chief - meh, these just show how great TOS characters were.

Disease story - clumsily solved in an instant through techno babble.

No1 finally getting to run the Enterprise and show her Captain skills.

Enjoyed this episode and the planet scenes cgi were great - I love the rough and ready look of the away teams as oppose to the full uniforms of the later Enterprise crew.

Just a few grumbles - but another good episode. Not as good as the first, but better than the second :)
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Over all though it was a fab episode and am so glad they seem to be sticking to the episodic format which works so much better.

A few niggles yes but over all its the most Trek feeling of any of the recent live action efforts.
My thoughts as well, it's not the most amazing episode but it actually does feel like Trek again in that there isn't a persistent story arc other than to explore strange new worlds...
Other thoughts.

The 'chick fight' bit was gratuitous.
All the resolutions to the Enterprise side of the plot threads came too easily - the cure, Number One's ancestry, her relationship with La'an Noonien-Singh (
), M'Benga's putting of the crew into extreme jeopardy using Starfleet resources for a personal issue. The plot down on the planet, while compressed because of all the time spent on the Enterprise bits, was handled rather better IMO.
Transporter biofilters as good as these (at least, as good as these are claimed to be) sure would have been useful to have in TOS, eh? Maybe they got refitted out when the ship shrank between now and "Where No Man..." ;)

I still don't hate it. And after the wretchedness of STD that's something.
struggled with understanding the dr a lot of times its like calling a customer service line lol.

The khan offspring, hmm didnt think he had any kids so was confused. No1 being some alien, thats news to me.
The khan offspring, hmm didnt think he had any kids so was confused. No1 being some alien, thats news to me.

To be (briefly) fair on both counts:

1) Never was stated before in canon if Khan had fathered any children before he left Earth on the SS Botany Bay following the Eugenics Wars.
2) Never was stated before in canon that Number One was human¹. They never gave her race, in fact. Had Trek progressed beyond "The Cage" as a full series order rather than being reworked with "Where No Man...", who knows where they would have taken that character²? Now, ST: Enterprise might have naused this one up good 'n' proper of course because they indeed showed Illyrians.

Here is an Illyrian in STE:


Now, I'm just a simple country fella an' I got problems of my own, but I'd be prepared to swear that this cat here and Number One ain't the same damn species ;) But, they were big on genetic modification and Trek has always been fond of wildly misrepresenting the capabilities of genetic modification as far as appearances go. So I'll be letting it slide :)

¹ - novels did indeed posit that she was either Illyrian, or a human born on Illyria.
² - she would, of course, have remained human because in 1960s America no-one could pronounce 'Illyrians' :p
Both valid points. Tho i thought in the cage the thelosions said to pike you have a choice of these two earth/human women. Might be remembering wrong.

Eh, we can just say that the Talosians are racist and all aliens look alike to them ;)


Nope, the Talosian keeper only ever calls them 'specimens' or 'new arrivals'.
Same this series is more at home to what I perceive to be ST. Shows how badly out of place Discovery is.
So is this series better because they listened or is it some quota of PC meta to statisfy the minority.
I don't get the difference in the shows in the same universe. Suppose its early doors.
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