Star Wars. 4 5 6 1 2 3 or 1 2 3 4 5 6?

I originally watched them 1-6 and wish i didn't bother. so much is given away and some things didn't make sense (to me)

i would have much rather watched them in release order.
Watched as 1,2,3,4,5,6 it's a wasted story, because all the turns and twists of 4,5,6 are spoiled and wrecked by 1,2,3. That's even if you manage to get through Episode 1 without chucking entire boxset out of the window.
If you see 1,2,3 before originals there is simply no way you can treat the ultimate intergalactic villain and his evil boss with the same respect and distance, once you know who is behind the grand facade and masks. And at that point it becomes just a long, old school comedy about pimpled teenager with fried brain and anger management issues and his sugar daddy ****** around the galaxy, building large lego sets and blowing up planets for lols.
You just spoiled it for anyone who has not seen it:rolleyes:
You realise that two threads have been merged in to one? The original thread was started by someone who had already seen the films and wanted input from other people who had seen them, so spoliers should be expected. Hardly the fault of LiE if a thread asking for no spoliers gets mereged with it months later :p
^^Ask any kid and I bet they disagree. Problem is people grew up since the first films hence find the later ones rubbish. Out of the first three done which were the best

You just spoiled it for anyone who has not seen it:rolleyes:

Funny when people object but quote (and repeat) what they object to :p
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