Star Wars: Knights of the old Republic

1 Dec 2006
Amsterdam, NL
This has probably been common knowledge for a whilye but it's working on Windows 10 and with Flawless Widescreen allowing for resolutions higher than 1600x1200, it's awesome!

I'm playing at 1440p, no mods, no texture packs and with all in game settings max, mouse and keyboard and it's simply superb, it's aged really well!

The flawless widescreen profile can be a pain, you have to try multiple times to get it working but it works.

Thought I'd just let people know as I feel it's a bit of a stale time in gaming as most triple A titles are either borked or just not that good.

I've gone for a scout, will probably go for Sith Lord, however, my dark side just isn't there when playing these types of games, I like to help people out lol
Hmm I felt a bit bad when I found the box for this game still in it's plastic wrapper when clearing out my folks house :p

Transversily I found 4 copies of Far Cry :o
It's possible to get it working without Flawless Widescreen, namely using UniWS to patch the exe and then additional mods to place the HUD correctly. I'm not sure if that works for the Steam version though. The only other mod I've used was Ultimate Textures.

As for playing the Dark Side I found it very difficult at first as it's not in my nature, but over time I started to enjoy it more and more until cutting down every last peasant for their credits and twisting people against each other had me laughing like a maniac.
Yea, read about that method, the FW fix does the HUD as well, looks epic for it's age.

As for dark side, I've tried a couple of times, but I just feel terrible haha.

I've always played a melee class, so will 100% be going for master/lord this time for the powers.
I tend to replay the 2 KOTORs every few years... i bet they would look amazing in ultrawide.. i think it's time to reinstall them :D
I also keep meaning to try KOTOR2 with the community mod that restores the content.
I've always liked the scoundrel... fun class to play and sneak attach is awesome.
One of my favourite games

Would be nice if it could be patched for higher resolutions and game pad support, as KotOR 2 was about a year ago

I know :( The guy who did it has flat out said he's simply not going to do it.

But, it works really well on KB and mouse!
Shame, didn't know that!

Good to hear it works with flawless widescreen though, tempted to install it:D

Always wanted to do a Jedi Consular play through

What ever you do, don't be deterred by FW when it doesn't work, it's super annoying. I've had to put in windowed mode and then you run the game like below in the youtube vid until it injects properly.

My ini files graphic options, find this in steam\steamapps\common\swkotor\swkotor.ini :

[Graphics Options]
Frame Buffer=1
Anti Aliasing=8
Texture Quality=2
Soft Shadows=1
Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1

Those in red is what I've amended and added. Once FW injects properly, it will run in windowed, just hit alt+enter to go into fullscreen.

Here is the youtube vid:


1440p goodness. It's a game that has atmosphere over looks :P
Finding it real tough to be mean, just handed the serum over to the hutt :( I've done some nice deeds already so I'm a few points into the light side. But no more mister nice guy.

I will, I WILL be a Sith Lord :D
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