Star wars squadrons to support vr

Good point - certainly sw bf2 did not support hotas for the straighter bits but for a dedicated flight game you would hope so
It does have support for one. Wait and see what type of control is needed though. Everspace plays lame with a stick, much better on a pad as an example. Playing X-Rebirth, gestured motion controls are the ultimate way to do everything.
5v5 is a bit of a let down, hopefully its not just a re-skin of eve valkyrie
There will be AI ships as well. The 5v5 was no doubt chosen so as not to end up with one side having ten or more ships swarming over ships from the other side as soon as they spawn in and die in a veritable hail of laser fire. Keeps it fair.
I'm actually really excited for this, look forward to maybe playing with some of you guys or blowing you out of the stars in short order... :)
Sadly I'm unlikely to pay for this on PC. I refuse to buy a UPlay / Origin game because they won't let any user account on our single PC play the game. They really think it's reasonable to expect me to buy the game 3 times on a single PC so my two sons can also play. Yet they re quite willing to let me pay once for any user on our consoles. I'm amazed this is still a thing on PC, if MS did this on Xbox, the Internet would destroy them and they'd take years to recover. On PC it doesn't seem to raise much backlash. I don't get it.
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