The whole "had to lie to the jedi council" thing just didn't add up. Jedi could just have explained they went to planet, got attacked, killed one in self defence and one of the children started a fire in a more convincing way which tore the place down. Very tragic very sad but move on thanks keep up the good work.
Messy last episode. Despite some plot issues I liked the exploration into the flaws of the jedi order.
Thanks @doodah going to check out that Darth Plagueis book. Can't wait!!
The Acolyte’ is set approximately 100 years before ‘The Phantom Menace,’ specifically in 132 BBY. While Darth Plagueis’ age isn’t directly mentioned in live-action, the book ‘Star Wars: Darth Plagueis’ by James Luceno suggests Darth Tenebrous arranged for Plagueis’ birth between 147 and 120 BBY. If we consider 147 BBY as his birth year based on this source, he would be around 15 years old or younger during the events of ‘The Acolyte.’
He doesn't have a birthdate on Wookiepedia. He doesn't even have a birthdate in Legends on wookiepedia, just a vague range. Not quite sure why they think he's 15.Looks like hardcore Star Wars fans have noticed another possible mistake with Darth Plagueis's age if that is him. He looked a bit old for being only 15 years old there. Looks like Wookiepedia needs to be updating again to make it fit.
Didn't know Headlands partner was Rebecca Ferguson who played Vernestra.
@Shamikebab check Wookiepedia it does have a date but not sure if that word was there before or after the show.
Darth Plagueis
Darth Plagueis (pronounced /'pleɪɡ.əs/) was a Muun Dark Lord of the Sith who trained "the Stranger" and Darth Sidious. Plagueis lusted for immortality, believing the secret lay in science. To that end, he researched bioengineering with Sidious and experimented with his ability to influence
No it doesn't, it says he was born before a specific date (which is the Acolyte appearance)
No it doesn't, it says he was born before a specific date (which is the Acolyte appearance)
That book isn't canon, a lot of these 'mistakes' seem to be just people not understanding canon.
Just a question, If power of the dark side/sith can bleed and change the colour of the light sabre, then why didnt Anakin's change at all particularly after he did all those atrocities. He did way worst stuff and had much more powerful emotions than what we saw with Osha. Ok the acting was way better in the movies but i am going to ignore that part.
The writing at times is really suspect did they check with a Star Wars expert or do you think they just add to it?
Not sure I'd agree the acting was better, Anakin was pretty dreadfully acted throughout the prequels (partially due to the woeful dialogue but partially not)