Star Wars will never be saved. KK to stay forever!!“MCU to "Refocus”

Someone trying to argue that Disney being woke is only part of the problem? But we been told for years on here that it wasn’t the problem.

I noticed you said their parks are making profit. Whilst this is true their footfall is down in a big way. So they upped the prices to make up for the loss. They are now cutting costs and offering discounts because people can’t afford to go!!

The problem is much harder to pin point.

Being heavy into politics is just 1 issue more of a minor one. **** movies will have bigger effect.

They are facing some extremely heavy competition from Universal studios. Who now have the best rated theme park.

I believe the raise of Universal as sparked Disney to panic into throwing hundreds of millions into upgrades.

It also goes to show how much healthy IP’s matter. Universal have Harry Potter and Epic in their back pocket which seems to be printing gold atm.
If all you see is a bunch of Racists and phobes hiding around every corner then that's on you.

The ignore button is free as pointed out many times and if you feel i have crossed the line then use report. Seems to me that people can't cope without having their daily dose of getting offended.
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You bore me back to posting about Disney

Seems Disney don't practice what they preach but we all know that.

Bob self evaluation form lol
Reshoots for terrible audience feedback and hiring an additional screenwriter to rewrite large swathes of your movie isn't though...
It’s the norm for Disney now.

Daredevil half of it in the bin.

Rumours broke from Indy that he hands his hat to that sarcastic dam squid. Fans went nuts then reshoots!! John Williams caught on camera saying he has to go back and score a new ending. Disney calls him a liar or he’s just mistaken!! Comes out from the director himself a month or two ago that they did have to reshoot larges parts of the movie including the ending!!

The Marvels? They ****** half of that movie in the bin!! God knows what that was like if they just kept the good parts lol

Blade? Hah

Seems to me they need to look at their hiring practices. They clearly have a bunch of people not capable of doing the work!!

Maybe one of the reason for all the angry men hating women in their work force is down to Disney treating them like slaves hence the massive lawsuit they are fighting over pay!!

That would explain why every single OG hero has been character assassinated.

If they have canned half of Captain America 4 maybe it’s too Wokie for Bob??

They need to “Do better”
This one is the biggest disappointment for me as it was the only one I was looking forward to when they did their big reveal a few years back, admittedly its a very high bar after blade 1 and 2 (we'll ignore 3). After all the rumours and leaks though, its a total mess :(
Blade is one of the best comic movie ever up there with X-2 and Spider-Man 2.

I dunno how they ****** that up. Should be an easy win. The hardest part would have been the age rating.
I’m warming up to Variety. They go hard then take the lube out after firing shots lol

Example would be two underperforming films in the hits. Can’t go full hog on the Disney overlords.



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